// // assembly.cs: Assembly declaration and specifications // // Authors: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com) // // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc. // Copyright 2004-2011 Novell, Inc. // Copyright 2011-2013 Xamarin Inc // using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Permissions; using Mono.Security.Cryptography; using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter; #if STATIC using IKVM.Reflection; using IKVM.Reflection.Emit; using SecurityType = System.Collections.Generic.List; #else using SecurityType = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; #endif namespace Mono.CSharp { public interface IAssemblyDefinition { string FullName { get; } bool IsCLSCompliant { get; } bool IsMissing { get; } string Name { get; } byte[] GetPublicKeyToken (); bool IsFriendAssemblyTo (IAssemblyDefinition assembly); } public abstract class AssemblyDefinition : IAssemblyDefinition { // TODO: make it private and move all builder based methods here public AssemblyBuilder Builder; protected AssemblyBuilderExtension builder_extra; MonoSymbolFile symbol_writer; bool is_cls_compliant; bool wrap_non_exception_throws; bool wrap_non_exception_throws_custom; bool has_user_debuggable; protected ModuleContainer module; readonly string name; protected readonly string file_name; byte[] public_key, public_key_token; bool delay_sign; // Holds private/public key pair when private key // was available StrongNameKeyPair private_key; Attribute cls_attribute; Method entry_point; protected List added_modules; SecurityType declarative_security; Dictionary emitted_forwarders; AssemblyAttributesPlaceholder module_target_attrs; // Win32 version info values string vi_product, vi_product_version, vi_company, vi_copyright, vi_trademark; protected AssemblyDefinition (ModuleContainer module, string name) { this.module = module; this.name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (name); wrap_non_exception_throws = true; delay_sign = Compiler.Settings.StrongNameDelaySign; // // Load strong name key early enough for assembly importer to be able to // use the keys for InternalsVisibleTo // This should go somewhere close to ReferencesLoading but don't have the place yet // if (Compiler.Settings.HasKeyFileOrContainer) { LoadPublicKey (Compiler.Settings.StrongNameKeyFile, Compiler.Settings.StrongNameKeyContainer); } } protected AssemblyDefinition (ModuleContainer module, string name, string fileName) : this (module, name) { this.file_name = fileName; } #region Properties public Attribute CLSCompliantAttribute { get { return cls_attribute; } } public CompilerContext Compiler { get { return module.Compiler; } } // // Assembly entry point, aka Main method // public Method EntryPoint { get { return entry_point; } set { entry_point = value; } } public string FullName { get { return Builder.FullName; } } public bool HasCLSCompliantAttribute { get { return cls_attribute != null; } } // TODO: This should not exist here but will require more changes public MetadataImporter Importer { get; set; } public bool IsCLSCompliant { get { return is_cls_compliant; } } bool IAssemblyDefinition.IsMissing { get { return false; } } public bool IsSatelliteAssembly { get; private set; } public string Name { get { return name; } } public bool WrapNonExceptionThrows { get { return wrap_non_exception_throws; } } protected Report Report { get { return Compiler.Report; } } public MonoSymbolFile SymbolWriter { get { return symbol_writer; } } #endregion public void AddModule (ImportedModuleDefinition module) { if (added_modules == null) { added_modules = new List (); added_modules.Add (module); } } public void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { if (a.IsValidSecurityAttribute ()) { a.ExtractSecurityPermissionSet (ctor, ref declarative_security); return; } if (a.Type == pa.AssemblyCulture) { string value = a.GetString (); if (value == null || value.Length == 0) return; if (Compiler.Settings.Target == Target.Exe) { Report.Error (7059, a.Location, "Executables cannot be satellite assemblies. Remove the attribute or keep it empty"); return; } if (value == "neutral") value = ""; if (Compiler.Settings.Target == Target.Module) { SetCustomAttribute (ctor, cdata); } else { builder_extra.SetCulture (value, a.Location); } IsSatelliteAssembly = true; return; } if (a.Type == pa.AssemblyVersion) { string value = a.GetString (); if (value == null || value.Length == 0) return; var vinfo = IsValidAssemblyVersion (value, true); if (vinfo == null) { Report.Error (7034, a.Location, "The specified version string `{0}' does not conform to the required format - major[.minor[.build[.revision]]]", value); return; } if (Compiler.Settings.Target == Target.Module) { SetCustomAttribute (ctor, cdata); } else { builder_extra.SetVersion (vinfo, a.Location); } return; } if (a.Type == pa.AssemblyAlgorithmId) { const int pos = 2; // skip CA header uint alg = (uint) cdata [pos]; alg |= ((uint) cdata [pos + 1]) << 8; alg |= ((uint) cdata [pos + 2]) << 16; alg |= ((uint) cdata [pos + 3]) << 24; if (Compiler.Settings.Target == Target.Module) { SetCustomAttribute (ctor, cdata); } else { builder_extra.SetAlgorithmId (alg, a.Location); } return; } if (a.Type == pa.AssemblyFlags) { const int pos = 2; // skip CA header uint flags = (uint) cdata[pos]; flags |= ((uint) cdata [pos + 1]) << 8; flags |= ((uint) cdata [pos + 2]) << 16; flags |= ((uint) cdata [pos + 3]) << 24; // Ignore set PublicKey flag if assembly is not strongnamed if ((flags & (uint) AssemblyNameFlags.PublicKey) != 0 && public_key == null) flags &= ~(uint) AssemblyNameFlags.PublicKey; if (Compiler.Settings.Target == Target.Module) { SetCustomAttribute (ctor, cdata); } else { builder_extra.SetFlags (flags, a.Location); } return; } if (a.Type == pa.TypeForwarder) { TypeSpec t = a.GetArgumentType (); if (t == null || TypeManager.HasElementType (t)) { Report.Error (735, a.Location, "Invalid type specified as an argument for TypeForwardedTo attribute"); return; } if (emitted_forwarders == null) { emitted_forwarders = new Dictionary (); } else if (emitted_forwarders.ContainsKey (t.MemberDefinition)) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (emitted_forwarders[t.MemberDefinition].Location, null); Report.Error (739, a.Location, "A duplicate type forward of type `{0}'", t.GetSignatureForError ()); return; } emitted_forwarders.Add (t.MemberDefinition, a); if (t.MemberDefinition.DeclaringAssembly == this) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (t); Report.Error (729, a.Location, "Cannot forward type `{0}' because it is defined in this assembly", t.GetSignatureForError ()); return; } if (t.IsNested) { Report.Error (730, a.Location, "Cannot forward type `{0}' because it is a nested type", t.GetSignatureForError ()); return; } builder_extra.AddTypeForwarder (t.GetDefinition (), a.Location); return; } if (a.Type == pa.Extension) { a.Error_MisusedExtensionAttribute (); return; } if (a.Type == pa.InternalsVisibleTo) { string assembly_name = a.GetString (); if (assembly_name == null) { Report.Error (7030, a.Location, "Friend assembly reference cannot have `null' value"); return; } if (assembly_name.Length == 0) return; #if STATIC ParsedAssemblyName aname; ParseAssemblyResult r = Fusion.ParseAssemblyName (assembly_name, out aname); if (r != ParseAssemblyResult.OK) { Report.Warning (1700, 3, a.Location, "Friend assembly reference `{0}' is invalid and cannot be resolved", assembly_name); return; } if (aname.Version != null || aname.Culture != null || aname.ProcessorArchitecture != ProcessorArchitecture.None) { Report.Error (1725, a.Location, "Friend assembly reference `{0}' is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture or processor architecture specified", assembly_name); return; } if (public_key != null && !aname.HasPublicKey) { Report.Error (1726, a.Location, "Friend assembly reference `{0}' is invalid. Strong named assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations", assembly_name); return; } #endif } else if (a.Type == pa.RuntimeCompatibility) { wrap_non_exception_throws_custom = true; } else if (a.Type == pa.AssemblyFileVersion) { vi_product_version = a.GetString (); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (vi_product_version) || IsValidAssemblyVersion (vi_product_version, false) == null) { Report.Warning (7035, 1, a.Location, "The specified version string `{0}' does not conform to the recommended format major.minor.build.revision", vi_product_version, a.Name); return; } // File version info decoding from blob is not supported var cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder ((ConstructorInfo) ctor.GetMetaInfo (), new object[] { vi_product_version }); Builder.SetCustomAttribute (cab); return; } else if (a.Type == pa.AssemblyProduct) { vi_product = a.GetString (); } else if (a.Type == pa.AssemblyCompany) { vi_company = a.GetString (); } else if (a.Type == pa.AssemblyDescription) { // TODO: Needs extra api } else if (a.Type == pa.AssemblyCopyright) { vi_copyright = a.GetString (); } else if (a.Type == pa.AssemblyTrademark) { vi_trademark = a.GetString (); } else if (a.Type == pa.Debuggable) { has_user_debuggable = true; } SetCustomAttribute (ctor, cdata); } // // When using assembly public key attributes InternalsVisibleTo key // was not checked, we have to do it later when we actually know what // our public key token is // void CheckReferencesPublicToken () { // TODO: It should check only references assemblies but there is // no working SRE API foreach (var entry in Importer.Assemblies) { var a = entry as ImportedAssemblyDefinition; if (a == null || a.IsMissing) continue; if (public_key != null && !a.HasStrongName) { Report.Error (1577, "Referenced assembly `{0}' does not have a strong name", a.FullName); } var ci = a.Assembly.GetName ().CultureInfo; if (!ci.Equals (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { Report.Warning (8009, 1, "Referenced assembly `{0}' has different culture setting of `{1}'", a.Name, ci.Name); } if (!a.IsFriendAssemblyTo (this)) continue; var attr = a.GetAssemblyVisibleToName (this); var atoken = attr.GetPublicKeyToken (); if (ArrayComparer.IsEqual (GetPublicKeyToken (), atoken)) continue; Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (a.Location); Report.Error (281, "Friend access was granted to `{0}', but the output assembly is named `{1}'. Try adding a reference to `{0}' or change the output assembly name to match it", attr.FullName, FullName); } } protected AssemblyName CreateAssemblyName () { var an = new AssemblyName (name); if (public_key != null && Compiler.Settings.Target != Target.Module) { if (delay_sign) { an.SetPublicKey (public_key); } else { if (public_key.Length == 16) { Report.Error (1606, "Could not sign the assembly. ECMA key can only be used to delay-sign assemblies"); } else if (private_key == null) { Error_AssemblySigning ("The specified key file does not have a private key"); } else { an.KeyPair = private_key; } } } return an; } public virtual ModuleBuilder CreateModuleBuilder () { if (file_name == null) throw new NotSupportedException ("transient module in static assembly"); var module_name = Path.GetFileName (file_name); // Always initialize module without symbolInfo. We could be framework dependent // but returned ISymbolWriter does not have all what we need therefore some // adaptor will be needed for now we alwayas emit MDB format when generating // debug info return Builder.DefineDynamicModule (module_name, module_name, false); } public virtual void Emit () { if (Compiler.Settings.Target == Target.Module) { module_target_attrs = new AssemblyAttributesPlaceholder (module, name); module_target_attrs.CreateContainer (); module_target_attrs.DefineContainer (); module_target_attrs.Define (); module.AddCompilerGeneratedClass (module_target_attrs); } else if (added_modules != null) { ReadModulesAssemblyAttributes (); } if (Compiler.Settings.GenerateDebugInfo) { symbol_writer = new MonoSymbolFile (); } module.EmitContainer (); if (module.HasExtensionMethod) { var pa = module.PredefinedAttributes.Extension; if (pa.IsDefined) { SetCustomAttribute (pa.Constructor, AttributeEncoder.Empty); } } if (!IsSatelliteAssembly) { if (!has_user_debuggable && Compiler.Settings.GenerateDebugInfo) { var pa = module.PredefinedAttributes.Debuggable; if (pa.IsDefined) { var modes = System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints; if (!Compiler.Settings.Optimize) modes |= System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations; pa.EmitAttribute (Builder, modes); } } if (!wrap_non_exception_throws_custom) { PredefinedAttribute pa = module.PredefinedAttributes.RuntimeCompatibility; if (pa.IsDefined && pa.ResolveBuilder ()) { var prop = module.PredefinedMembers.RuntimeCompatibilityWrapNonExceptionThrows.Get (); if (prop != null) { AttributeEncoder encoder = new AttributeEncoder (); encoder.EncodeNamedPropertyArgument (prop, new BoolLiteral (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, true, Location.Null)); SetCustomAttribute (pa.Constructor, encoder.ToArray ()); } } } if (declarative_security != null) { #if STATIC foreach (var entry in declarative_security) { Builder.__AddDeclarativeSecurity (entry); } #else throw new NotSupportedException ("Assembly-level security"); #endif } } CheckReferencesPublicToken (); SetEntryPoint (); } public byte[] GetPublicKeyToken () { if (public_key == null || public_key_token != null) return public_key_token; HashAlgorithm ha = SHA1.Create (); byte[] hash = ha.ComputeHash (public_key); // we need the last 8 bytes in reverse order public_key_token = new byte[8]; Buffer.BlockCopy (hash, hash.Length - 8, public_key_token, 0, 8); Array.Reverse (public_key_token, 0, 8); return public_key_token; } // // Either keyFile or keyContainer has to be non-null // void LoadPublicKey (string keyFile, string keyContainer) { if (keyContainer != null) { try { private_key = new StrongNameKeyPair (keyContainer); public_key = private_key.PublicKey; } catch { Error_AssemblySigning ("The specified key container `" + keyContainer + "' does not exist"); } return; } bool key_file_exists = File.Exists (keyFile); // // For attribute based KeyFile do additional lookup // in output assembly path // if (!key_file_exists && Compiler.Settings.StrongNameKeyFile == null) { // // The key file can be relative to output assembly // string test_path = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (file_name), keyFile); key_file_exists = File.Exists (test_path); if (key_file_exists) keyFile = test_path; } if (!key_file_exists) { Error_AssemblySigning ("The specified key file `" + keyFile + "' does not exist"); return; } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream (keyFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { byte[] snkeypair = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read (snkeypair, 0, snkeypair.Length); // check for ECMA key if (snkeypair.Length == 16) { public_key = snkeypair; return; } try { // take it, with or without, a private key RSA rsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiKeyBlob (snkeypair); // and make sure we only feed the public part to Sys.Ref byte[] publickey = CryptoConvert.ToCapiPublicKeyBlob (rsa); // AssemblyName.SetPublicKey requires an additional header byte[] publicKeyHeader = new byte[8] { 0x00, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 }; // Encode public key public_key = new byte[12 + publickey.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy (publicKeyHeader, 0, public_key, 0, publicKeyHeader.Length); // Length of Public Key (in bytes) int lastPart = public_key.Length - 12; public_key[8] = (byte) (lastPart & 0xFF); public_key[9] = (byte) ((lastPart >> 8) & 0xFF); public_key[10] = (byte) ((lastPart >> 16) & 0xFF); public_key[11] = (byte) ((lastPart >> 24) & 0xFF); Buffer.BlockCopy (publickey, 0, public_key, 12, publickey.Length); } catch { Error_AssemblySigning ("The specified key file `" + keyFile + "' has incorrect format"); return; } if (delay_sign) return; try { // TODO: Is there better way to test for a private key presence ? CryptoConvert.FromCapiPrivateKeyBlob (snkeypair); private_key = new StrongNameKeyPair (snkeypair); } catch { } } } void ReadModulesAssemblyAttributes () { foreach (var m in added_modules) { var cattrs = m.ReadAssemblyAttributes (); if (cattrs == null) continue; module.OptAttributes.AddAttributes (cattrs); } } public void Resolve () { if (Compiler.Settings.Unsafe && module.PredefinedTypes.SecurityAction.Define ()) { // // Emits [assembly: SecurityPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] // when -unsafe option was specified // Location loc = Location.Null; MemberAccess system_security_permissions = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess ( new QualifiedAliasMember (QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Security", loc), "Permissions", loc); var req_min = module.PredefinedMembers.SecurityActionRequestMinimum.Resolve (loc); Arguments pos = new Arguments (1); pos.Add (new Argument (req_min.GetConstant (null))); Arguments named = new Arguments (1); named.Add (new NamedArgument ("SkipVerification", loc, new BoolLiteral (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, true, loc))); Attribute g = new Attribute ("assembly", new MemberAccess (system_security_permissions, "SecurityPermissionAttribute"), new Arguments[] { pos, named }, loc, false); g.AttachTo (module, module); // Disable no-location warnings (e.g. obsolete) for compiler generated attribute Compiler.Report.DisableReporting (); try { var ctor = g.Resolve (); if (ctor != null) { g.ExtractSecurityPermissionSet (ctor, ref declarative_security); } } finally { Compiler.Report.EnableReporting (); } } if (module.OptAttributes == null) return; // Ensure that we only have GlobalAttributes, since the Search isn't safe with other types. if (!module.OptAttributes.CheckTargets()) return; cls_attribute = module.ResolveAssemblyAttribute (module.PredefinedAttributes.CLSCompliant); if (cls_attribute != null) { is_cls_compliant = cls_attribute.GetClsCompliantAttributeValue (); } if (added_modules != null && Compiler.Settings.VerifyClsCompliance && is_cls_compliant) { foreach (var m in added_modules) { if (!m.IsCLSCompliant) { Report.Error (3013, "Added modules must be marked with the CLSCompliant attribute to match the assembly", m.Name); } } } Attribute a = module.ResolveAssemblyAttribute (module.PredefinedAttributes.RuntimeCompatibility); if (a != null) { var val = a.GetNamedValue ("WrapNonExceptionThrows") as BoolConstant; if (val != null) wrap_non_exception_throws = val.Value; } } protected void ResolveAssemblySecurityAttributes () { string key_file = null; string key_container = null; if (module.OptAttributes != null) { foreach (Attribute a in module.OptAttributes.Attrs) { // cannot rely on any resolve-based members before you call Resolve if (a.ExplicitTarget != "assembly") continue; // TODO: This code is buggy: comparing Attribute name without resolving is wrong. // However, this is invoked by CodeGen.Init, when none of the namespaces // are loaded yet. // TODO: Does not handle quoted attributes properly switch (a.Name) { case "AssemblyKeyFile": case "AssemblyKeyFileAttribute": case "System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute": if (Compiler.Settings.StrongNameKeyFile != null) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (a.Location, a.GetSignatureForError ()); Report.Warning (1616, 1, "Option `{0}' overrides attribute `{1}' given in a source file or added module", "keyfile", "System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute"); } else { string value = a.GetString (); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (value)) { Error_ObsoleteSecurityAttribute (a, "keyfile"); key_file = value; } } break; case "AssemblyKeyName": case "AssemblyKeyNameAttribute": case "System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute": if (Compiler.Settings.StrongNameKeyContainer != null) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (a.Location, a.GetSignatureForError ()); Report.Warning (1616, 1, "Option `{0}' overrides attribute `{1}' given in a source file or added module", "keycontainer", "System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute"); } else { string value = a.GetString (); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (value)) { Error_ObsoleteSecurityAttribute (a, "keycontainer"); key_container = value; } } break; case "AssemblyDelaySign": case "AssemblyDelaySignAttribute": case "System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySignAttribute": bool b = a.GetBoolean (); if (b) { Error_ObsoleteSecurityAttribute (a, "delaysign"); } delay_sign = b; break; } } } // We came here only to report assembly attributes warnings if (public_key != null) return; // // Load the strong key file found in attributes when no // command line key was given // if (key_file != null || key_container != null) { LoadPublicKey (key_file, key_container); } else if (delay_sign) { Report.Warning (1607, 1, "Delay signing was requested but no key file was given"); } } public void EmbedResources () { // // Add Win32 resources // if (Compiler.Settings.Win32ResourceFile != null) { Builder.DefineUnmanagedResource (Compiler.Settings.Win32ResourceFile); } else { Builder.DefineVersionInfoResource (vi_product, vi_product_version, vi_company, vi_copyright, vi_trademark); } if (Compiler.Settings.Win32IconFile != null) { builder_extra.DefineWin32IconResource (Compiler.Settings.Win32IconFile); } if (Compiler.Settings.Resources != null) { if (Compiler.Settings.Target == Target.Module) { Report.Error (1507, "Cannot link resource file when building a module"); } else { int counter = 0; foreach (var res in Compiler.Settings.Resources) { if (!File.Exists (res.FileName)) { Report.Error (1566, "Error reading resource file `{0}'", res.FileName); continue; } if (res.IsEmbeded) { Stream stream; if (counter++ < 10) { stream = File.OpenRead (res.FileName); } else { // TODO: SRE API requires resource stream to be available during AssemblyBuilder::Save // we workaround it by reading everything into memory to compile projects with // many embedded resource (over 3500) references stream = new MemoryStream (File.ReadAllBytes (res.FileName)); } module.Builder.DefineManifestResource (res.Name, stream, res.Attributes); } else { Builder.AddResourceFile (res.Name, Path.GetFileName (res.FileName), res.Attributes); } } } } } public void Save () { PortableExecutableKinds pekind = PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly; ImageFileMachine machine; switch (Compiler.Settings.Platform) { case Platform.X86: pekind |= PortableExecutableKinds.Required32Bit; machine = ImageFileMachine.I386; break; case Platform.X64: pekind |= PortableExecutableKinds.PE32Plus; machine = ImageFileMachine.AMD64; break; case Platform.IA64: machine = ImageFileMachine.IA64; break; case Platform.AnyCPU32Preferred: #if STATIC pekind |= PortableExecutableKinds.Preferred32Bit; machine = ImageFileMachine.I386; break; #else throw new NotSupportedException (); #endif case Platform.Arm: #if STATIC machine = ImageFileMachine.ARM; break; #else throw new NotSupportedException (); #endif case Platform.AnyCPU: default: machine = ImageFileMachine.I386; break; } Compiler.TimeReporter.Start (TimeReporter.TimerType.OutputSave); try { if (Compiler.Settings.Target == Target.Module) { SaveModule (pekind, machine); } else { Builder.Save (module.Builder.ScopeName, pekind, machine); } } catch (Exception e) { Report.Error (16, "Could not write to file `" + name + "', cause: " + e.Message); } Compiler.TimeReporter.Stop (TimeReporter.TimerType.OutputSave); // Save debug symbols file if (symbol_writer != null && Compiler.Report.Errors == 0) { // TODO: it should run in parallel Compiler.TimeReporter.Start (TimeReporter.TimerType.DebugSave); var filename = file_name + ".mdb"; try { // We mmap the file, so unlink the previous version since it may be in use File.Delete (filename); } catch { // We can safely ignore } module.WriteDebugSymbol (symbol_writer); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream (filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { symbol_writer.CreateSymbolFile (module.Builder.ModuleVersionId, fs); } Compiler.TimeReporter.Stop (TimeReporter.TimerType.DebugSave); } } protected virtual void SaveModule (PortableExecutableKinds pekind, ImageFileMachine machine) { Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (Location.Null, "-target:module"); } void SetCustomAttribute (MethodSpec ctor, byte[] data) { if (module_target_attrs != null) module_target_attrs.AddAssemblyAttribute (ctor, data); else Builder.SetCustomAttribute ((ConstructorInfo) ctor.GetMetaInfo (), data); } void SetEntryPoint () { if (!Compiler.Settings.NeedsEntryPoint) { if (Compiler.Settings.MainClass != null) Report.Error (2017, "Cannot specify -main if building a module or library"); return; } PEFileKinds file_kind; switch (Compiler.Settings.Target) { case Target.Library: case Target.Module: file_kind = PEFileKinds.Dll; break; case Target.WinExe: file_kind = PEFileKinds.WindowApplication; break; default: file_kind = PEFileKinds.ConsoleApplication; break; } if (entry_point == null) { string main_class = Compiler.Settings.MainClass; if (main_class != null) { // TODO: Handle dotted names var texpr = module.GlobalRootNamespace.LookupType (module, main_class, 0, LookupMode.Probing, Location.Null); if (texpr == null) { Report.Error (1555, "Could not find `{0}' specified for Main method", main_class); return; } var mtype = texpr.MemberDefinition as ClassOrStruct; if (mtype == null) { Report.Error (1556, "`{0}' specified for Main method must be a valid class or struct", main_class); return; } Report.Error (1558, mtype.Location, "`{0}' does not have a suitable static Main method", mtype.GetSignatureForError ()); } else { string pname = file_name == null ? name : Path.GetFileName (file_name); Report.Error (5001, "Program `{0}' does not contain a static `Main' method suitable for an entry point", pname); } return; } Builder.SetEntryPoint (entry_point.MethodBuilder, file_kind); } void Error_ObsoleteSecurityAttribute (Attribute a, string option) { Report.Warning (1699, 1, a.Location, "Use compiler option `{0}' or appropriate project settings instead of `{1}' attribute", option, a.Name); } void Error_AssemblySigning (string text) { Report.Error (1548, "Error during assembly signing. " + text); } public bool IsFriendAssemblyTo (IAssemblyDefinition assembly) { return false; } static Version IsValidAssemblyVersion (string version, bool allowGenerated) { string[] parts = version.Split ('.'); if (parts.Length < 1 || parts.Length > 4) return null; var values = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; ++i) { if (!int.TryParse (parts[i], out values[i])) { if (parts[i].Length == 1 && parts[i][0] == '*' && allowGenerated) { if (i == 2) { // Nothing can follow * if (parts.Length > 3) return null; // Generate Build value based on days since 1/1/2000 TimeSpan days = DateTime.Today - new DateTime (2000, 1, 1); values[i] = System.Math.Max (days.Days, 0); i = 3; } if (i == 3) { // Generate Revision value based on every other second today var seconds = DateTime.Now - DateTime.Today; values[i] = (int) seconds.TotalSeconds / 2; continue; } } return null; } if (values[i] > ushort.MaxValue) return null; } return new Version (values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]); } } public class AssemblyResource : IEquatable { public AssemblyResource (string fileName, string name) : this (fileName, name, false) { } public AssemblyResource (string fileName, string name, bool isPrivate) { FileName = fileName; Name = name; Attributes = isPrivate ? ResourceAttributes.Private : ResourceAttributes.Public; } public ResourceAttributes Attributes { get; private set; } public string Name { get; private set; } public string FileName { get; private set; } public bool IsEmbeded { get; set; } #region IEquatable Members public bool Equals (AssemblyResource other) { return Name == other.Name; } #endregion } // // A placeholder class for assembly attributes when emitting module // class AssemblyAttributesPlaceholder : CompilerGeneratedContainer { static readonly string TypeNamePrefix = "<$AssemblyAttributes${0}>"; public static readonly string AssemblyFieldName = "attributes"; Field assembly; public AssemblyAttributesPlaceholder (ModuleContainer parent, string outputName) : base (parent, new MemberName (GetGeneratedName (outputName)), Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.INTERNAL) { assembly = new Field (this, new TypeExpression (parent.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, Location), Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC, new MemberName (AssemblyFieldName), null); AddField (assembly); } public void AddAssemblyAttribute (MethodSpec ctor, byte[] data) { assembly.SetCustomAttribute (ctor, data); } public static string GetGeneratedName (string outputName) { return string.Format (TypeNamePrefix, outputName); } } // // Extension to System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder to have fully compatible // compiler. This is a default implementation for framework System.Reflection.Emit // which does not implement any of the methods // public class AssemblyBuilderExtension { readonly CompilerContext ctx; public AssemblyBuilderExtension (CompilerContext ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; } public virtual System.Reflection.Module AddModule (string module) { ctx.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (Location.Null, "-addmodule"); return null; } public virtual void AddPermissionRequests (PermissionSet[] permissions) { ctx.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (Location.Null, "assembly declarative security"); } public virtual void AddTypeForwarder (TypeSpec type, Location loc) { ctx.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (loc, "TypeForwardedToAttribute"); } public virtual void DefineWin32IconResource (string fileName) { ctx.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (Location.Null, "-win32icon"); } public virtual void SetAlgorithmId (uint value, Location loc) { ctx.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (loc, "AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute"); } public virtual void SetCulture (string culture, Location loc) { ctx.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (loc, "AssemblyCultureAttribute"); } public virtual void SetFlags (uint flags, Location loc) { ctx.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (loc, "AssemblyFlagsAttribute"); } public virtual void SetVersion (Version version, Location loc) { ctx.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (loc, "AssemblyVersionAttribute"); } } abstract class AssemblyReferencesLoader where T : class { protected readonly CompilerContext compiler; protected readonly List paths; protected AssemblyReferencesLoader (CompilerContext compiler) { this.compiler = compiler; paths = new List (); paths.Add (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory ()); paths.AddRange (compiler.Settings.ReferencesLookupPaths); } public abstract bool HasObjectType (T assembly); protected abstract string[] GetDefaultReferences (); public abstract T LoadAssemblyFile (string fileName, bool isImplicitReference); public abstract void LoadReferences (ModuleContainer module); protected void Error_FileNotFound (string fileName) { compiler.Report.Error (6, "Metadata file `{0}' could not be found", fileName); } protected void Error_FileCorrupted (string fileName) { compiler.Report.Error (9, "Metadata file `{0}' does not contain valid metadata", fileName); } protected void Error_AssemblyIsModule (string fileName) { compiler.Report.Error (1509, "Referenced assembly file `{0}' is a module. Consider using `-addmodule' option to add the module", fileName); } protected void Error_ModuleIsAssembly (string fileName) { compiler.Report.Error (1542, "Added module file `{0}' is an assembly. Consider using `-r' option to reference the file", fileName); } protected void LoadReferencesCore (ModuleContainer module, out T corlib_assembly, out List> loaded) { compiler.TimeReporter.Start (TimeReporter.TimerType.ReferencesLoading); loaded = new List> (); // // Load mscorlib.dll as the first // if (module.Compiler.Settings.StdLib) { corlib_assembly = LoadAssemblyFile ("mscorlib.dll", true); } else { corlib_assembly = default (T); } T a; foreach (string r in module.Compiler.Settings.AssemblyReferences) { a = LoadAssemblyFile (r, false); if (a == null || EqualityComparer.Default.Equals (a, corlib_assembly)) continue; var key = Tuple.Create (module.GlobalRootNamespace, a); if (loaded.Contains (key)) continue; loaded.Add (key); } if (corlib_assembly == null) { // // Requires second pass because HasObjectType can trigger assembly load event // for (int i = 0; i < loaded.Count; ++i) { var assembly = loaded [i]; // // corlib assembly is the first referenced assembly which contains System.Object // if (HasObjectType (assembly.Item2)) { corlib_assembly = assembly.Item2; loaded.RemoveAt (i); break; } } } foreach (var entry in module.Compiler.Settings.AssemblyReferencesAliases) { a = LoadAssemblyFile (entry.Item2, false); if (a == null) continue; var key = Tuple.Create (module.CreateRootNamespace (entry.Item1), a); if (loaded.Contains (key)) continue; loaded.Add (key); } if (compiler.Settings.LoadDefaultReferences) { foreach (string r in GetDefaultReferences ()) { a = LoadAssemblyFile (r, true); if (a == null) continue; var key = Tuple.Create (module.GlobalRootNamespace, a); if (loaded.Contains (key)) continue; loaded.Add (key); } } compiler.TimeReporter.Stop (TimeReporter.TimerType.ReferencesLoading); } } }