// Copyright (c) 2014 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Utils; namespace ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document { /// <summary> /// Undo stack implementation. /// </summary> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1711:IdentifiersShouldNotHaveIncorrectSuffix")] public sealed class UndoStack : INotifyPropertyChanged { /// undo stack is listening for changes internal const int StateListen = 0; /// undo stack is reverting/repeating a set of changes internal const int StatePlayback = 1; // undo stack is reverting/repeating a set of changes and modifies the document to do this internal const int StatePlaybackModifyDocument = 2; /// state is used for checking that noone but the UndoStack performs changes /// during Undo events internal int state = StateListen; Deque<IUndoableOperation> undostack = new Deque<IUndoableOperation>(); Deque<IUndoableOperation> redostack = new Deque<IUndoableOperation>(); int sizeLimit = int.MaxValue; int undoGroupDepth; int actionCountInUndoGroup; int optionalActionCount; object lastGroupDescriptor; bool allowContinue; #region IsOriginalFile implementation // implements feature request SD2-784 - File still considered dirty after undoing all changes /// <summary> /// Number of times undo must be executed until the original state is reached. /// Negative: number of times redo must be executed until the original state is reached. /// Special case: int.MinValue == original state is unreachable /// </summary> int elementsOnUndoUntilOriginalFile; bool isOriginalFile = true; /// <summary> /// Gets whether the document is currently in its original state (no modifications). /// </summary> public bool IsOriginalFile { get { return isOriginalFile; } } void RecalcIsOriginalFile() { bool newIsOriginalFile = (elementsOnUndoUntilOriginalFile == 0); if (newIsOriginalFile != isOriginalFile) { isOriginalFile = newIsOriginalFile; NotifyPropertyChanged("IsOriginalFile"); } } /// <summary> /// Marks the current state as original. Discards any previous "original" markers. /// </summary> public void MarkAsOriginalFile() { elementsOnUndoUntilOriginalFile = 0; RecalcIsOriginalFile(); } /// <summary> /// Discards the current "original" marker. /// </summary> public void DiscardOriginalFileMarker() { elementsOnUndoUntilOriginalFile = int.MinValue; RecalcIsOriginalFile(); } void FileModified(int newElementsOnUndoStack) { if (elementsOnUndoUntilOriginalFile == int.MinValue) return; elementsOnUndoUntilOriginalFile += newElementsOnUndoStack; if (elementsOnUndoUntilOriginalFile > undostack.Count) elementsOnUndoUntilOriginalFile = int.MinValue; // don't call RecalcIsOriginalFile(): wait until end of undo group } #endregion /// <summary> /// Gets if the undo stack currently accepts changes. /// Is false while an undo action is running. /// </summary> public bool AcceptChanges { get { return state == StateListen; } } /// <summary> /// Gets if there are actions on the undo stack. /// Use the PropertyChanged event to listen to changes of this property. /// </summary> public bool CanUndo { get { return undostack.Count > 0; } } /// <summary> /// Gets if there are actions on the redo stack. /// Use the PropertyChanged event to listen to changes of this property. /// </summary> public bool CanRedo { get { return redostack.Count > 0; } } /// <summary> /// Gets/Sets the limit on the number of items on the undo stack. /// </summary> /// <remarks>The size limit is enforced only on the number of stored top-level undo groups. /// Elements within undo groups do not count towards the size limit.</remarks> public int SizeLimit { get { return sizeLimit; } set { if (value < 0) ThrowUtil.CheckNotNegative(value, "value"); if (sizeLimit != value) { sizeLimit = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("SizeLimit"); if (undoGroupDepth == 0) EnforceSizeLimit(); } } } void EnforceSizeLimit() { Debug.Assert(undoGroupDepth == 0); while (undostack.Count > sizeLimit) undostack.PopFront(); while (redostack.Count > sizeLimit) redostack.PopFront(); } /// <summary> /// If an undo group is open, gets the group descriptor of the current top-level /// undo group. /// If no undo group is open, gets the group descriptor from the previous undo group. /// </summary> /// <remarks>The group descriptor can be used to join adjacent undo groups: /// use a group descriptor to mark your changes, and on the second action, /// compare LastGroupDescriptor and use <see cref="StartContinuedUndoGroup"/> if you /// want to join the undo groups.</remarks> public object LastGroupDescriptor { get { return lastGroupDescriptor; } } /// <summary> /// Starts grouping changes. /// Maintains a counter so that nested calls are possible. /// </summary> public void StartUndoGroup() { StartUndoGroup(null); } /// <summary> /// Starts grouping changes. /// Maintains a counter so that nested calls are possible. /// </summary> /// <param name="groupDescriptor">An object that is stored with the undo group. /// If this is not a top-level undo group, the parameter is ignored.</param> public void StartUndoGroup(object groupDescriptor) { if (undoGroupDepth == 0) { actionCountInUndoGroup = 0; optionalActionCount = 0; lastGroupDescriptor = groupDescriptor; } undoGroupDepth++; //Util.LoggingService.Debug("Open undo group (new depth=" + undoGroupDepth + ")"); } /// <summary> /// Starts grouping changes, continuing with the previously closed undo group if possible. /// Maintains a counter so that nested calls are possible. /// If the call to StartContinuedUndoGroup is a nested call, it behaves exactly /// as <see cref="StartUndoGroup()"/>, only top-level calls can continue existing undo groups. /// </summary> /// <param name="groupDescriptor">An object that is stored with the undo group. /// If this is not a top-level undo group, the parameter is ignored.</param> public void StartContinuedUndoGroup(object groupDescriptor = null) { if (undoGroupDepth == 0) { actionCountInUndoGroup = (allowContinue && undostack.Count > 0) ? 1 : 0; optionalActionCount = 0; lastGroupDescriptor = groupDescriptor; } undoGroupDepth++; //Util.LoggingService.Debug("Continue undo group (new depth=" + undoGroupDepth + ")"); } /// <summary> /// Stops grouping changes. /// </summary> public void EndUndoGroup() { if (undoGroupDepth == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("There are no open undo groups"); undoGroupDepth--; //Util.LoggingService.Debug("Close undo group (new depth=" + undoGroupDepth + ")"); if (undoGroupDepth == 0) { Debug.Assert(state == StateListen || actionCountInUndoGroup == 0); allowContinue = true; if (actionCountInUndoGroup == optionalActionCount) { // only optional actions: don't store them for (int i = 0; i < optionalActionCount; i++) { undostack.PopBack(); } allowContinue = false; } else if (actionCountInUndoGroup > 1) { // combine all actions within the group into a single grouped action undostack.PushBack(new UndoOperationGroup(undostack, actionCountInUndoGroup)); FileModified(-actionCountInUndoGroup + 1 + optionalActionCount); } //if (state == StateListen) { EnforceSizeLimit(); RecalcIsOriginalFile(); // can raise event //} } } /// <summary> /// Throws an InvalidOperationException if an undo group is current open. /// </summary> void ThrowIfUndoGroupOpen() { if (undoGroupDepth != 0) { undoGroupDepth = 0; throw new InvalidOperationException("No undo group should be open at this point"); } if (state != StateListen) { throw new InvalidOperationException("This method cannot be called while an undo operation is being performed"); } } List<TextDocument> affectedDocuments; internal void RegisterAffectedDocument(TextDocument document) { if (affectedDocuments == null) affectedDocuments = new List<TextDocument>(); if (!affectedDocuments.Contains(document)) { affectedDocuments.Add(document); document.BeginUpdate(); } } void CallEndUpdateOnAffectedDocuments() { if (affectedDocuments != null) { foreach (TextDocument doc in affectedDocuments) { doc.EndUpdate(); } affectedDocuments = null; } } /// <summary> /// Call this method to undo the last operation on the stack /// </summary> public void Undo() { ThrowIfUndoGroupOpen(); if (undostack.Count > 0) { // disallow continuing undo groups after undo operation lastGroupDescriptor = null; allowContinue = false; // fetch operation to undo and move it to redo stack IUndoableOperation uedit = undostack.PopBack(); redostack.PushBack(uedit); state = StatePlayback; try { RunUndo(uedit); } finally { state = StateListen; FileModified(-1); CallEndUpdateOnAffectedDocuments(); } RecalcIsOriginalFile(); if (undostack.Count == 0) NotifyPropertyChanged("CanUndo"); if (redostack.Count == 1) NotifyPropertyChanged("CanRedo"); } } internal void RunUndo(IUndoableOperation op) { IUndoableOperationWithContext opWithCtx = op as IUndoableOperationWithContext; if (opWithCtx != null) opWithCtx.Undo(this); else op.Undo(); } /// <summary> /// Call this method to redo the last undone operation /// </summary> public void Redo() { ThrowIfUndoGroupOpen(); if (redostack.Count > 0) { lastGroupDescriptor = null; allowContinue = false; IUndoableOperation uedit = redostack.PopBack(); undostack.PushBack(uedit); state = StatePlayback; try { RunRedo(uedit); } finally { state = StateListen; FileModified(1); CallEndUpdateOnAffectedDocuments(); } RecalcIsOriginalFile(); if (redostack.Count == 0) NotifyPropertyChanged("CanRedo"); if (undostack.Count == 1) NotifyPropertyChanged("CanUndo"); } } internal void RunRedo(IUndoableOperation op) { IUndoableOperationWithContext opWithCtx = op as IUndoableOperationWithContext; if (opWithCtx != null) opWithCtx.Redo(this); else op.Redo(); } /// <summary> /// Call this method to push an UndoableOperation on the undostack. /// The redostack will be cleared if you use this method. /// </summary> public void Push(IUndoableOperation operation) { Push(operation, false); } /// <summary> /// Call this method to push an UndoableOperation on the undostack. /// However, the operation will be only stored if the undo group contains a /// non-optional operation. /// Use this method to store the caret position/selection on the undo stack to /// prevent having only actions that affect only the caret and not the document. /// </summary> public void PushOptional(IUndoableOperation operation) { if (undoGroupDepth == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot use PushOptional outside of undo group"); Push(operation, true); } void Push(IUndoableOperation operation, bool isOptional) { if (operation == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("operation"); } if (state == StateListen && sizeLimit > 0) { bool wasEmpty = undostack.Count == 0; bool needsUndoGroup = undoGroupDepth == 0; if (needsUndoGroup) StartUndoGroup(); undostack.PushBack(operation); actionCountInUndoGroup++; if (isOptional) optionalActionCount++; else FileModified(1); if (needsUndoGroup) EndUndoGroup(); if (wasEmpty) NotifyPropertyChanged("CanUndo"); ClearRedoStack(); } } /// <summary> /// Call this method, if you want to clear the redo stack /// </summary> public void ClearRedoStack() { if (redostack.Count != 0) { redostack.Clear(); NotifyPropertyChanged("CanRedo"); // if the "original file" marker is on the redo stack: remove it if (elementsOnUndoUntilOriginalFile < 0) elementsOnUndoUntilOriginalFile = int.MinValue; } } /// <summary> /// Clears both the undo and redo stack. /// </summary> public void ClearAll() { ThrowIfUndoGroupOpen(); actionCountInUndoGroup = 0; optionalActionCount = 0; if (undostack.Count != 0) { lastGroupDescriptor = null; allowContinue = false; undostack.Clear(); NotifyPropertyChanged("CanUndo"); } ClearRedoStack(); } internal void Push(TextDocument document, DocumentChangeEventArgs e) { if (state == StatePlayback) throw new InvalidOperationException("Document changes during undo/redo operations are not allowed."); if (state == StatePlaybackModifyDocument) state = StatePlayback; // allow only 1 change per expected modification else Push(new DocumentChangeOperation(document, e)); } /// <summary> /// Is raised when a property (CanUndo, CanRedo) changed. /// </summary> public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { if (PropertyChanged != null) PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } } }