#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.Core; using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding; using HEAL.Attic; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic { [StorableType("36A22322-0627-4E25-A468-F2A788AF6D46")] [Item("TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar", "Represents a grammar for functional expressions in which special syntactic constraints are enforced so that boolean and real-valued expressions are not mixed.")] public class TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar : SymbolicExpressionGrammar, ISymbolicDataAnalysisGrammar { private const string ArithmeticFunctionsName = "Arithmetic Functions"; private const string TrigonometricFunctionsName = "Trigonometric Functions"; private const string ExponentialFunctionsName = "Exponential and Logarithmic Functions"; private const string RealValuedSymbolsName = "Real Valued Symbols"; private const string TerminalsName = "Terminals"; private const string PowerFunctionsName = "Power Functions"; private const string ConditionsName = "Conditions"; private const string ComparisonsName = "Comparisons"; private const string BooleanOperatorsName = "Boolean Operators"; private const string ConditionalSymbolsName = "ConditionalSymbols"; private const string SpecialFunctionsName = "Special Functions"; private const string TimeSeriesSymbolsName = "Time Series Symbols"; [StorableConstructor] protected TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar(StorableConstructorFlag _) : base(_) { } protected TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar(TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar original, Cloner cloner) : base(original, cloner) { } public TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar() : base(ItemAttribute.GetName(typeof(TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar)), ItemAttribute.GetDescription(typeof(TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar))) { Initialize(); } public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) { return new TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar(this, cloner); } private void Initialize() { #region symbol declaration var add = new Addition(); var sub = new Subtraction(); var mul = new Multiplication(); var div = new Division(); var mean = new Average(); var sin = new Sine(); var cos = new Cosine(); var tan = new Tangent(); var log = new Logarithm(); var pow = new Power(); var square = new Square(); var root = new Root(); var sqrt = new SquareRoot(); var cube = new Cube(); var cubeRoot = new CubeRoot(); var exp = new Exponential(); var abs = new Absolute(); var airyA = new AiryA(); var airyB = new AiryB(); var bessel = new Bessel(); var cosineIntegral = new CosineIntegral(); var dawson = new Dawson(); var erf = new Erf(); var expIntegralEi = new ExponentialIntegralEi(); var fresnelCosineIntegral = new FresnelCosineIntegral(); var fresnelSineIntegral = new FresnelSineIntegral(); var gamma = new Gamma(); var hypCosineIntegral = new HyperbolicCosineIntegral(); var tanh = new HyperbolicTangent(); var hypSineIntegral = new HyperbolicSineIntegral(); var norm = new Norm(); var psi = new Psi(); var sineIntegral = new SineIntegral(); var analyticalQuotient = new AnalyticQuotient(); var @if = new IfThenElse(); var gt = new GreaterThan(); var lt = new LessThan(); var and = new And(); var or = new Or(); var not = new Not(); var xor = new Xor(); var variableCondition = new VariableCondition(); var timeLag = new TimeLag(); var integral = new Integral(); var derivative = new Derivative(); var constant = new Constant(); constant.MinValue = -20; constant.MaxValue = 20; var variableSymbol = new Variable(); var binFactorVariable = new BinaryFactorVariable(); var factorVariable = new FactorVariable(); var laggedVariable = new LaggedVariable(); var autoregressiveVariable = new AutoregressiveTargetVariable(); #endregion #region group symbol declaration var arithmeticSymbols = new GroupSymbol(ArithmeticFunctionsName, new List() { add, sub, mul, div, mean }); var trigonometricSymbols = new GroupSymbol(TrigonometricFunctionsName, new List() { sin, cos, tan, tanh}); var exponentialAndLogarithmicSymbols = new GroupSymbol(ExponentialFunctionsName, new List { exp, log}); var specialFunctions = new GroupSymbol(SpecialFunctionsName, new List { abs, airyA, airyB, bessel, cosineIntegral, dawson, erf, expIntegralEi, fresnelCosineIntegral,fresnelSineIntegral,gamma,hypCosineIntegral,hypSineIntegral,norm, psi, sineIntegral, analyticalQuotient}); var terminalSymbols = new GroupSymbol(TerminalsName, new List { constant, variableSymbol, binFactorVariable, factorVariable }); var realValuedSymbols = new GroupSymbol(RealValuedSymbolsName, new List() { arithmeticSymbols, trigonometricSymbols, exponentialAndLogarithmicSymbols, specialFunctions, terminalSymbols }); var powerSymbols = new GroupSymbol(PowerFunctionsName, new List { square, pow, sqrt, root, cube, cubeRoot }); var conditionSymbols = new GroupSymbol(ConditionsName, new List { @if, variableCondition }); var comparisonSymbols = new GroupSymbol(ComparisonsName, new List { gt, lt }); var booleanOperationSymbols = new GroupSymbol(BooleanOperatorsName, new List { and, or, not, xor }); var conditionalSymbols = new GroupSymbol(ConditionalSymbolsName, new List { conditionSymbols, comparisonSymbols, booleanOperationSymbols }); var timeSeriesSymbols = new GroupSymbol(TimeSeriesSymbolsName, new List { timeLag, integral, derivative, laggedVariable, autoregressiveVariable }); #endregion AddSymbol(realValuedSymbols); AddSymbol(powerSymbols); AddSymbol(conditionalSymbols); AddSymbol(timeSeriesSymbols); #region subtree count configuration SetSubtreeCount(arithmeticSymbols, 2, 2); SetSubtreeCount(trigonometricSymbols, 1, 1); SetSubtreeCount(pow, 2, 2); SetSubtreeCount(root, 2, 2); SetSubtreeCount(square, 1, 1); SetSubtreeCount(cube, 1, 1); SetSubtreeCount(sqrt, 1, 1); SetSubtreeCount(cubeRoot, 1, 1); SetSubtreeCount(exponentialAndLogarithmicSymbols, 1, 1); foreach(var sy in specialFunctions.Symbols.Except(new[] { analyticalQuotient})) { SetSubtreeCount(sy, 1, 1); } SetSubtreeCount(analyticalQuotient, 2, 2); SetSubtreeCount(terminalSymbols, 0, 0); SetSubtreeCount(@if, 3, 3); SetSubtreeCount(variableCondition, 2, 2); SetSubtreeCount(comparisonSymbols, 2, 2); SetSubtreeCount(and, 2, 2); SetSubtreeCount(or, 2, 2); SetSubtreeCount(not, 1, 1); SetSubtreeCount(xor, 2, 2); SetSubtreeCount(timeLag, 1, 1); SetSubtreeCount(integral, 1, 1); SetSubtreeCount(derivative, 1, 1); SetSubtreeCount(laggedVariable, 0, 0); SetSubtreeCount(autoregressiveVariable, 0, 0); #endregion #region allowed child symbols configuration AddAllowedChildSymbol(StartSymbol, realValuedSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(StartSymbol, powerSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(StartSymbol, conditionSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(StartSymbol, timeSeriesSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(StartSymbol, specialFunctions); AddAllowedChildSymbol(DefunSymbol, realValuedSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(DefunSymbol, powerSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(DefunSymbol, conditionSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(DefunSymbol, timeSeriesSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(DefunSymbol, specialFunctions); AddAllowedChildSymbol(realValuedSymbols, realValuedSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(realValuedSymbols, powerSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(realValuedSymbols, conditionSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(realValuedSymbols, timeSeriesSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(realValuedSymbols, specialFunctions); AddAllowedChildSymbol(powerSymbols, variableSymbol, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(powerSymbols, laggedVariable, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(powerSymbols, autoregressiveVariable, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(powerSymbols, constant, 1); AddAllowedChildSymbol(square, realValuedSymbols, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(square, conditionSymbols, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(square, timeSeriesSymbols, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(sqrt, realValuedSymbols, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(sqrt, conditionSymbols, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(sqrt, timeSeriesSymbols, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(@if, comparisonSymbols, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(@if, booleanOperationSymbols, 0); AddAllowedChildSymbol(@if, conditionSymbols, 1); AddAllowedChildSymbol(@if, realValuedSymbols, 1); AddAllowedChildSymbol(@if, powerSymbols, 1); AddAllowedChildSymbol(@if, timeSeriesSymbols, 1); AddAllowedChildSymbol(@if, conditionSymbols, 2); AddAllowedChildSymbol(@if, realValuedSymbols, 2); AddAllowedChildSymbol(@if, powerSymbols, 2); AddAllowedChildSymbol(@if, timeSeriesSymbols, 2); AddAllowedChildSymbol(booleanOperationSymbols, comparisonSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(comparisonSymbols, realValuedSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(comparisonSymbols, powerSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(comparisonSymbols, conditionSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(comparisonSymbols, timeSeriesSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(variableCondition, realValuedSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(variableCondition, powerSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(variableCondition, conditionSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(variableCondition, timeSeriesSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(timeLag, realValuedSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(timeLag, powerSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(timeLag, conditionSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(integral, realValuedSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(integral, powerSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(integral, conditionSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(derivative, realValuedSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(derivative, powerSymbols); AddAllowedChildSymbol(derivative, conditionSymbols); #endregion } public void ConfigureAsDefaultRegressionGrammar() { Symbols.First(s => s is Average).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s is Absolute).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s is HyperbolicTangent).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == TrigonometricFunctionsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == PowerFunctionsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == SpecialFunctionsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == ConditionalSymbolsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == TimeSeriesSymbolsName).Enabled = false; } public void ConfigureAsDefaultClassificationGrammar() { Symbols.First(s => s is Average).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s is VariableCondition).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s is Xor).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s is Absolute).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s is HyperbolicTangent).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == TrigonometricFunctionsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == ExponentialFunctionsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == SpecialFunctionsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == PowerFunctionsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == TimeSeriesSymbolsName).Enabled = false; } public void ConfigureAsDefaultTimeSeriesPrognosisGrammar() { Symbols.First(s => s is Average).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s is Absolute).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s is HyperbolicTangent).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == TrigonometricFunctionsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == PowerFunctionsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == ConditionalSymbolsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == SpecialFunctionsName).Enabled = false; Symbols.Single(s => s.Name == "Variable").Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s.Name == TimeSeriesSymbolsName).Enabled = true; Symbols.First(s => s is Derivative).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s is Integral).Enabled = false; Symbols.First(s => s is TimeLag).Enabled = false; } } }