/******************************************************************************* * You may amend and distribute as you like, but don't remove this header! * * EPPlus provides server-side generation of Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets. * See http://www.codeplex.com/EPPlus for details. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Källman * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be viewed at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php * If you unfamiliar with this license or have questions about it, here is an http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html * * All code and executables are provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied. * The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that this product may cause. * * Code change notes: * * Author Change Date * ****************************************************************************** * Jan Källman Added 30-AUG-2010 * Jan Källman License changed GPL-->LGPL 2011-12-16 *******************************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing.Excel.Functions.Math; using OfficeOpenXml.Utils; namespace OfficeOpenXml.Table { /// /// Table style Enum /// public enum TableStyles { None, Custom, Light1, Light2, Light3, Light4, Light5, Light6, Light7, Light8, Light9, Light10, Light11, Light12, Light13, Light14, Light15, Light16, Light17, Light18, Light19, Light20, Light21, Medium1, Medium2, Medium3, Medium4, Medium5, Medium6, Medium7, Medium8, Medium9, Medium10, Medium11, Medium12, Medium13, Medium14, Medium15, Medium16, Medium17, Medium18, Medium19, Medium20, Medium21, Medium22, Medium23, Medium24, Medium25, Medium26, Medium27, Medium28, Dark1, Dark2, Dark3, Dark4, Dark5, Dark6, Dark7, Dark8, Dark9, Dark10, Dark11, } /// /// An Excel Table /// public class ExcelTable : XmlHelper { internal ExcelTable(Packaging.ZipPackageRelationship rel, ExcelWorksheet sheet) : base(sheet.NameSpaceManager) { WorkSheet = sheet; TableUri = UriHelper.ResolvePartUri(rel.SourceUri, rel.TargetUri); RelationshipID = rel.Id; var pck = sheet._package.Package; Part=pck.GetPart(TableUri); TableXml = new XmlDocument(); LoadXmlSafe(TableXml, Part.GetStream()); init(); Address = new ExcelAddressBase(GetXmlNodeString("@ref")); } internal ExcelTable(ExcelWorksheet sheet, ExcelAddressBase address, string name, int tblId) : base(sheet.NameSpaceManager) { WorkSheet = sheet; Address = address; TableXml = new XmlDocument(); LoadXmlSafe(TableXml, GetStartXml(name, tblId), Encoding.UTF8); TopNode = TableXml.DocumentElement; init(); //If the table is just one row we can not have a header. if (address._fromRow == address._toRow) { ShowHeader = false; } } private void init() { TopNode = TableXml.DocumentElement; SchemaNodeOrder = new string[] { "autoFilter", "tableColumns", "tableStyleInfo" }; } private string GetStartXml(string name, int tblId) { string xml = ""; xml += string.Format("", tblId, name, cleanDisplayName(name), Address.Address); xml += string.Format("", Address.Address); int cols=Address._toCol-Address._fromCol+1; xml += string.Format("",cols); var names = new Dictionary(); for(int i=1;i<=cols;i++) { var cell = WorkSheet.Cells[Address._fromRow, Address._fromCol+i-1]; string colName; if (cell.Value == null || names.ContainsKey(cell.Value.ToString())) { //Get an unique name int a=i; do { colName = string.Format("Column{0}", a++); } while (names.ContainsKey(colName)); } else { colName = System.Security.SecurityElement.Escape(cell.Value.ToString()); } names.Add(colName, colName); xml += string.Format("", i,colName); } xml += ""; xml += " "; xml += "
"; return xml; } private string cleanDisplayName(string name) { return Regex.Replace(name, @"[^\w\.-_]", "_"); } internal Packaging.ZipPackagePart Part { get; set; } /// /// Provides access to the XML data representing the table in the package. /// public XmlDocument TableXml { get; set; } /// /// The package internal URI to the Table Xml Document. /// public Uri TableUri { get; internal set; } internal string RelationshipID { get; set; } const string ID_PATH = "@id"; internal int Id { get { return GetXmlNodeInt(ID_PATH); } set { SetXmlNodeString(ID_PATH, value.ToString()); } } const string NAME_PATH = "@name"; const string DISPLAY_NAME_PATH = "@displayName"; /// /// The name of the table object in Excel /// public string Name { get { return GetXmlNodeString(NAME_PATH); } set { if(WorkSheet.Workbook.ExistsTableName(value)) { throw (new ArgumentException("Tablename is not unique")); } string prevName = Name; if (WorkSheet.Tables._tableNames.ContainsKey(prevName)) { int ix=WorkSheet.Tables._tableNames[prevName]; WorkSheet.Tables._tableNames.Remove(prevName); WorkSheet.Tables._tableNames.Add(value,ix); } SetXmlNodeString(NAME_PATH, value); SetXmlNodeString(DISPLAY_NAME_PATH, cleanDisplayName(value)); } } /// /// The worksheet of the table /// public ExcelWorksheet WorkSheet { get; set; } private ExcelAddressBase _address = null; /// /// The address of the table /// public ExcelAddressBase Address { get { return _address; } internal set { _address = value; SetXmlNodeString("@ref",value.Address); WriteAutoFilter(ShowTotal); } } internal ExcelTableColumnCollection _cols = null; /// /// Collection of the columns in the table /// public ExcelTableColumnCollection Columns { get { if(_cols==null) { _cols = new ExcelTableColumnCollection(this); } return _cols; } } TableStyles _tableStyle = TableStyles.Medium6; /// /// The table style. If this property is cusom, the style from the StyleName propery is used. /// public TableStyles TableStyle { get { return _tableStyle; } set { _tableStyle=value; if (value != TableStyles.Custom) { SetXmlNodeString(STYLENAME_PATH, "TableStyle" + value.ToString()); } } } const string HEADERROWCOUNT_PATH = "@headerRowCount"; const string AUTOFILTER_PATH = "d:autoFilter/@ref"; /// /// If the header row is visible or not /// public bool ShowHeader { get { return GetXmlNodeInt(HEADERROWCOUNT_PATH)!=0; } set { if (Address._toRow - Address._fromRow < 0 && value || Address._toRow - Address._fromRow == 1 && value && ShowTotal) { throw (new Exception("Cant set ShowHeader-property. Table has too few rows")); } if(value) { DeleteNode(HEADERROWCOUNT_PATH); WriteAutoFilter(ShowTotal); //for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++) //{ // var v = WorkSheet.GetValue(Address._fromRow, Address._fromCol + i); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v) || v != _cols[i].Name) // { // _cols[i].Name = v; // } //} } else { SetXmlNodeString(HEADERROWCOUNT_PATH, "0"); DeleteAllNode(AUTOFILTER_PATH); } } } internal ExcelAddressBase AutoFilterAddress { get { string a=GetXmlNodeString(AUTOFILTER_PATH); if (a == "") { return null; } else { return new ExcelAddressBase(a); } } } private void WriteAutoFilter(bool showTotal) { string autofilterAddress; if (ShowHeader) { if (showTotal) { autofilterAddress = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(Address._fromRow, Address._fromCol, Address._toRow - 1, Address._toCol); } else { autofilterAddress = Address.Address; } SetXmlNodeString(AUTOFILTER_PATH, autofilterAddress); } } /// /// If the header row has an autofilter /// public bool ShowFilter { get { return ShowHeader && AutoFilterAddress != null; } set { if (ShowHeader) { if (value) { WriteAutoFilter(ShowTotal); } else { DeleteAllNode(AUTOFILTER_PATH); } } else if(value) { throw(new InvalidOperationException("Filter can only be applied when ShowHeader is set to true")); } } } const string TOTALSROWCOUNT_PATH = "@totalsRowCount"; const string TOTALSROWSHOWN_PATH = "@totalsRowShown"; /// /// If the total row is visible or not /// public bool ShowTotal { get { return GetXmlNodeInt(TOTALSROWCOUNT_PATH) == 1; } set { if (value != ShowTotal) { if (value) { Address=new ExcelAddress(WorkSheet.Name, ExcelAddressBase.GetAddress(Address.Start.Row, Address.Start.Column, Address.End.Row+1, Address.End.Column)); } else { Address = new ExcelAddress(WorkSheet.Name, ExcelAddressBase.GetAddress(Address.Start.Row, Address.Start.Column, Address.End.Row - 1, Address.End.Column)); } SetXmlNodeString("@ref", Address.Address); if (value) { SetXmlNodeString(TOTALSROWCOUNT_PATH, "1"); } else { DeleteNode(TOTALSROWCOUNT_PATH); } WriteAutoFilter(value); } } } const string STYLENAME_PATH = "d:tableStyleInfo/@name"; /// /// The style name for custum styles /// public string StyleName { get { return GetXmlNodeString(STYLENAME_PATH); } set { if (value.StartsWith("TableStyle")) { try { _tableStyle = (TableStyles)Enum.Parse(typeof(TableStyles), value.Substring(10,value.Length-10), true); } catch { _tableStyle = TableStyles.Custom; } } else if (value == "None") { _tableStyle = TableStyles.None; value = ""; } else { _tableStyle = TableStyles.Custom; } SetXmlNodeString(STYLENAME_PATH,value,true); } } const string SHOWFIRSTCOLUMN_PATH = "d:tableStyleInfo/@showFirstColumn"; /// /// Display special formatting for the first row /// public bool ShowFirstColumn { get { return GetXmlNodeBool(SHOWFIRSTCOLUMN_PATH); } set { SetXmlNodeBool(SHOWFIRSTCOLUMN_PATH, value, false); } } const string SHOWLASTCOLUMN_PATH = "d:tableStyleInfo/@showLastColumn"; /// /// Display special formatting for the last row /// public bool ShowLastColumn { get { return GetXmlNodeBool(SHOWLASTCOLUMN_PATH); } set { SetXmlNodeBool(SHOWLASTCOLUMN_PATH, value, false); } } const string SHOWROWSTRIPES_PATH = "d:tableStyleInfo/@showRowStripes"; /// /// Display banded rows /// public bool ShowRowStripes { get { return GetXmlNodeBool(SHOWROWSTRIPES_PATH); } set { SetXmlNodeBool(SHOWROWSTRIPES_PATH, value, false); } } const string SHOWCOLUMNSTRIPES_PATH = "d:tableStyleInfo/@showColumnStripes"; /// /// Display banded columns /// public bool ShowColumnStripes { get { return GetXmlNodeBool(SHOWCOLUMNSTRIPES_PATH); } set { SetXmlNodeBool(SHOWCOLUMNSTRIPES_PATH, value, false); } } const string TOTALSROWCELLSTYLE_PATH = "@totalsRowCellStyle"; /// /// Named style used for the total row /// public string TotalsRowCellStyle { get { return GetXmlNodeString(TOTALSROWCELLSTYLE_PATH); } set { if (WorkSheet.Workbook.Styles.NamedStyles.FindIndexByID(value) < 0) { throw (new Exception(string.Format("Named style {0} does not exist.", value))); } SetXmlNodeString(TopNode, TOTALSROWCELLSTYLE_PATH, value, true); if (ShowTotal) { WorkSheet.Cells[Address._toRow, Address._fromCol, Address._toRow, Address._toCol].StyleName = value; } } } const string DATACELLSTYLE_PATH = "@dataCellStyle"; /// /// Named style used for the data cells /// public string DataCellStyleName { get { return GetXmlNodeString(DATACELLSTYLE_PATH); } set { if (WorkSheet.Workbook.Styles.NamedStyles.FindIndexByID(value) < 0) { throw (new Exception(string.Format("Named style {0} does not exist.", value))); } SetXmlNodeString(TopNode, DATACELLSTYLE_PATH, value, true); int fromRow = Address._fromRow + (ShowHeader ? 1 : 0), toRow = Address._toRow - (ShowTotal ? 1 : 0); if (fromRow < toRow) { WorkSheet.Cells[fromRow, Address._fromCol, toRow, Address._toCol].StyleName = value; } } } const string HEADERROWCELLSTYLE_PATH = "@headerRowCellStyle"; /// /// Named style used for the header row /// public string HeaderRowCellStyle { get { return GetXmlNodeString(HEADERROWCELLSTYLE_PATH); } set { if (WorkSheet.Workbook.Styles.NamedStyles.FindIndexByID(value) < 0) { throw (new Exception(string.Format("Named style {0} does not exist.", value))); } SetXmlNodeString(TopNode, HEADERROWCELLSTYLE_PATH, value, true); if (ShowHeader) { WorkSheet.Cells[Address._fromRow, Address._fromCol, Address._fromRow, Address._toCol].StyleName = value; } } } } }