//#define Trace // WinZipAes.cs // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Dino Chiesa. // All rights reserved. // // This code module is part of DotNetZip, a zipfile class library. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This code is licensed under the Microsoft Public License. // See the file License.txt for the license details. // More info on: http://dotnetzip.codeplex.com // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // last saved (in emacs): // Time-stamp: <2011-July-12 13:42:06> // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This module defines the classes for dealing with WinZip's AES encryption, // according to the specifications for the format available on WinZip's website. // // Created: January 2009 // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Security.Cryptography; #if AESCRYPTO namespace OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zip { /// /// This is a helper class supporting WinZip AES encryption. /// This class is intended for use only by the DotNetZip library. /// /// /// /// Most uses of the DotNetZip library will not involve direct calls into /// the WinZipAesCrypto class. Instead, the WinZipAesCrypto class is /// instantiated and used by the ZipEntry() class when WinZip AES /// encryption or decryption on an entry is employed. /// internal class WinZipAesCrypto { internal byte[] _Salt; internal byte[] _providedPv; internal byte[] _generatedPv; internal int _KeyStrengthInBits; private byte[] _MacInitializationVector; private byte[] _StoredMac; private byte[] _keyBytes; private Int16 PasswordVerificationStored; private Int16 PasswordVerificationGenerated; private int Rfc2898KeygenIterations = 1000; private string _Password; private bool _cryptoGenerated ; private WinZipAesCrypto(string password, int KeyStrengthInBits) { _Password = password; _KeyStrengthInBits = KeyStrengthInBits; } public static WinZipAesCrypto Generate(string password, int KeyStrengthInBits) { WinZipAesCrypto c = new WinZipAesCrypto(password, KeyStrengthInBits); int saltSizeInBytes = c._KeyStrengthInBytes / 2; c._Salt = new byte[saltSizeInBytes]; Random rnd = new Random(); rnd.NextBytes(c._Salt); return c; } public static WinZipAesCrypto ReadFromStream(string password, int KeyStrengthInBits, Stream s) { // from http://www.winzip.com/aes_info.htm // // Size(bytes) Content // ----------------------------------- // Variable Salt value // 2 Password verification value // Variable Encrypted file data // 10 Authentication code // // ZipEntry.CompressedSize represents the size of all of those elements. // salt size varies with key length: // 128 bit key => 8 bytes salt // 192 bits => 12 bytes salt // 256 bits => 16 bytes salt WinZipAesCrypto c = new WinZipAesCrypto(password, KeyStrengthInBits); int saltSizeInBytes = c._KeyStrengthInBytes / 2; c._Salt = new byte[saltSizeInBytes]; c._providedPv = new byte[2]; s.Read(c._Salt, 0, c._Salt.Length); s.Read(c._providedPv, 0, c._providedPv.Length); c.PasswordVerificationStored = (Int16)(c._providedPv[0] + c._providedPv[1] * 256); if (password != null) { c.PasswordVerificationGenerated = (Int16)(c.GeneratedPV[0] + c.GeneratedPV[1] * 256); if (c.PasswordVerificationGenerated != c.PasswordVerificationStored) throw new BadPasswordException("bad password"); } return c; } public byte[] GeneratedPV { get { if (!_cryptoGenerated) _GenerateCryptoBytes(); return _generatedPv; } } public byte[] Salt { get { return _Salt; } } private int _KeyStrengthInBytes { get { return _KeyStrengthInBits / 8; } } public int SizeOfEncryptionMetadata { get { // 10 bytes after, (n-10) before the compressed data return _KeyStrengthInBytes / 2 + 10 + 2; } } public string Password { set { _Password = value; if (_Password != null) { PasswordVerificationGenerated = (Int16)(GeneratedPV[0] + GeneratedPV[1] * 256); if (PasswordVerificationGenerated != PasswordVerificationStored) throw new Ionic.Zip.BadPasswordException(); } } private get { return _Password; } } private void _GenerateCryptoBytes() { //Console.WriteLine(" provided password: '{0}'", _Password); System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes rfc2898 = new System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes(_Password, Salt, Rfc2898KeygenIterations); _keyBytes = rfc2898.GetBytes(_KeyStrengthInBytes); // 16 or 24 or 32 ??? _MacInitializationVector = rfc2898.GetBytes(_KeyStrengthInBytes); _generatedPv = rfc2898.GetBytes(2); _cryptoGenerated = true; } public byte[] KeyBytes { get { if (!_cryptoGenerated) _GenerateCryptoBytes(); return _keyBytes; } } public byte[] MacIv { get { if (!_cryptoGenerated) _GenerateCryptoBytes(); return _MacInitializationVector; } } public byte[] CalculatedMac; public void ReadAndVerifyMac(System.IO.Stream s) { bool invalid = false; // read integrityCheckVector. // caller must ensure that the file pointer is in the right spot! _StoredMac = new byte[10]; // aka "authentication code" s.Read(_StoredMac, 0, _StoredMac.Length); if (_StoredMac.Length != CalculatedMac.Length) invalid = true; if (!invalid) { for (int i = 0; i < _StoredMac.Length; i++) { if (_StoredMac[i] != CalculatedMac[i]) invalid = true; } } if (invalid) throw new Ionic.Zip.BadStateException("The MAC does not match."); } } #region DONT_COMPILE_BUT_KEEP_FOR_POTENTIAL_FUTURE_USE #if NO internal class Util { private static void _Format(System.Text.StringBuilder sb1, byte[] b, int offset, int length) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb1.Append("0000 "); int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { int x = offset+i; if (i != 0 && i % 16 == 0) { sb1.Append(" ") .Append(sb2) .Append("\n") .Append(String.Format("{0:X4} ", i)); sb2.Remove(0,sb2.Length); } sb1.Append(System.String.Format("{0:X2} ", b[x])); if (b[x] >=32 && b[x] <= 126) sb2.Append((char)b[x]); else sb2.Append("."); } if (sb2.Length > 0) { sb1.Append(new String(' ', ((16 - i%16) * 3) + 4)) .Append(sb2); } } internal static string FormatByteArray(byte[] b, int limit) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if ((limit * 2 > b.Length) || limit == 0) { _Format(sb1, b, 0, b.Length); } else { // first N bytes of the buffer _Format(sb1, b, 0, limit); if (b.Length > limit * 2) sb1.Append(String.Format("\n ...({0} other bytes here)....\n", b.Length - limit * 2)); // last N bytes of the buffer _Format(sb1, b, b.Length - limit, limit); } return sb1.ToString(); } internal static string FormatByteArray(byte[] b) { return FormatByteArray(b, 0); } } #endif #endregion /// /// A stream that encrypts as it writes, or decrypts as it reads. The /// Crypto is AES in CTR (counter) mode, which is compatible with the AES /// encryption employed by WinZip 12.0. /// /// /// /// The AES/CTR encryption protocol used by WinZip works like this: /// /// - start with a counter, initialized to zero. /// /// - to encrypt, take the data by 16-byte blocks. For each block: /// - apply the transform to the counter /// - increement the counter /// - XOR the result of the transform with the plaintext to /// get the ciphertext. /// - compute the mac on the encrypted bytes /// - when finished with all blocks, store the computed MAC. /// /// - to decrypt, take the data by 16-byte blocks. For each block: /// - compute the mac on the encrypted bytes, /// - apply the transform to the counter /// - increement the counter /// - XOR the result of the transform with the ciphertext to /// get the plaintext. /// - when finished with all blocks, compare the computed MAC against /// the stored MAC /// /// /// // internal class WinZipAesCipherStream : Stream { private WinZipAesCrypto _params; private System.IO.Stream _s; private CryptoMode _mode; private int _nonce; private bool _finalBlock; internal HMACSHA1 _mac; // Use RijndaelManaged from .NET 2.0. // AesManaged came in .NET 3.5, but we want to limit // dependency to .NET 2.0. AES is just a restricted form // of Rijndael (fixed block size of 128, some crypto modes not supported). internal RijndaelManaged _aesCipher; internal ICryptoTransform _xform; private const int BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 16; private byte[] counter = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; private byte[] counterOut = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; // I've had a problem when wrapping a WinZipAesCipherStream inside // a DeflateStream. Calling Read() on the DeflateStream results in // a Read() on the WinZipAesCipherStream, but the buffer is larger // than the total size of the encrypted data, and larger than the // initial Read() on the DeflateStream! When the encrypted // bytestream is embedded within a larger stream (As in a zip // archive), the Read() doesn't fail with EOF. This causes bad // data to be returned, and it messes up the MAC. // This field is used to provide a hard-stop to the size of // data that can be read from the stream. In Read(), if the buffer or // read request goes beyond the stop, we truncate it. private long _length; private long _totalBytesXferred; private byte[] _PendingWriteBlock; private int _pendingCount; private byte[] _iobuf; /// /// The constructor. /// /// The underlying stream /// To either encrypt or decrypt. /// The pre-initialized WinZipAesCrypto object. /// The maximum number of bytes to read from the stream. internal WinZipAesCipherStream(System.IO.Stream s, WinZipAesCrypto cryptoParams, long length, CryptoMode mode) : this(s, cryptoParams, mode) { // don't read beyond this limit! _length = length; //Console.WriteLine("max length of AES stream: {0}", _length); } #if WANT_TRACE Stream untransformed; String traceFileUntransformed; Stream transformed; String traceFileTransformed; #endif internal WinZipAesCipherStream(System.IO.Stream s, WinZipAesCrypto cryptoParams, CryptoMode mode) : base() { TraceOutput("-------------------------------------------------------"); TraceOutput("Create {0:X8}", this.GetHashCode()); _params = cryptoParams; _s = s; _mode = mode; _nonce = 1; if (_params == null) throw new BadPasswordException("Supply a password to use AES encryption."); int keySizeInBits = _params.KeyBytes.Length * 8; if (keySizeInBits != 256 && keySizeInBits != 128 && keySizeInBits != 192) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("keysize", "size of key must be 128, 192, or 256"); _mac = new HMACSHA1(_params.MacIv); _aesCipher = new System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged(); _aesCipher.BlockSize = 128; _aesCipher.KeySize = keySizeInBits; // 128, 192, 256 _aesCipher.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; _aesCipher.Padding = PaddingMode.None; byte[] iv = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; // all zeroes // Create an ENCRYPTOR, regardless whether doing decryption or encryption. // It is reflexive. _xform = _aesCipher.CreateEncryptor(_params.KeyBytes, iv); if (_mode == CryptoMode.Encrypt) { _iobuf = new byte[2048]; _PendingWriteBlock = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; } #if WANT_TRACE traceFileUntransformed = "unpack\\WinZipAesCipherStream.trace.untransformed.out"; traceFileTransformed = "unpack\\WinZipAesCipherStream.trace.transformed.out"; untransformed = System.IO.File.Create(traceFileUntransformed); transformed = System.IO.File.Create(traceFileTransformed); #endif } private void XorInPlace(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { buffer[offset + i] = (byte)(counterOut[i] ^ buffer[offset + i]); } } private void WriteTransformOneBlock(byte[] buffer, int offset) { System.Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(_nonce++), 0, counter, 0, 4); _xform.TransformBlock(counter, 0, BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES, counterOut, 0); XorInPlace(buffer, offset, BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES); _mac.TransformBlock(buffer, offset, BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES, null, 0); } private void WriteTransformBlocks(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { int posn = offset; int last = count + offset; while (posn < buffer.Length && posn < last) { WriteTransformOneBlock (buffer, posn); posn += BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES; } } private void WriteTransformFinalBlock() { if (_pendingCount == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("No bytes available."); if (_finalBlock) throw new InvalidOperationException("The final block has already been transformed."); System.Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(_nonce++), 0, counter, 0, 4); counterOut = _xform.TransformFinalBlock(counter, 0, BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES); XorInPlace(_PendingWriteBlock, 0, _pendingCount); _mac.TransformFinalBlock(_PendingWriteBlock, 0, _pendingCount); _finalBlock = true; } private int ReadTransformOneBlock(byte[] buffer, int offset, int last) { if (_finalBlock) throw new NotSupportedException(); int bytesRemaining = last - offset; int bytesToRead = (bytesRemaining > BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES) ? BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES : bytesRemaining; // update the counter System.Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(_nonce++), 0, counter, 0, 4); // Determine if this is the final block if ((bytesToRead == bytesRemaining) && (_length > 0) && (_totalBytesXferred + last == _length)) { _mac.TransformFinalBlock(buffer, offset, bytesToRead); counterOut = _xform.TransformFinalBlock(counter, 0, BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES); _finalBlock = true; } else { _mac.TransformBlock(buffer, offset, bytesToRead, null, 0); _xform.TransformBlock(counter, 0, // offset BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES, counterOut, 0); // offset } XorInPlace(buffer, offset, bytesToRead); return bytesToRead; } private void ReadTransformBlocks(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { int posn = offset; int last = count + offset; while (posn < buffer.Length && posn < last ) { int n = ReadTransformOneBlock (buffer, posn, last); posn += n; } } public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (_mode == CryptoMode.Encrypt) throw new NotSupportedException(); if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer"); if (offset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", "Must not be less than zero."); if (count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "Must not be less than zero."); if (buffer.Length < offset + count) throw new ArgumentException("The buffer is too small"); // When I wrap a WinZipAesStream in a DeflateStream, the // DeflateStream asks its captive to read 4k blocks, even if the // encrypted bytestream is smaller than that. This is a way to // limit the number of bytes read. int bytesToRead = count; if (_totalBytesXferred >= _length) { return 0; // EOF } long bytesRemaining = _length - _totalBytesXferred; if (bytesRemaining < count) bytesToRead = (int)bytesRemaining; int n = _s.Read(buffer, offset, bytesToRead); #if WANT_TRACE untransformed.Write(buffer, offset, bytesToRead); #endif ReadTransformBlocks(buffer, offset, bytesToRead); #if WANT_TRACE transformed.Write(buffer, offset, bytesToRead); #endif _totalBytesXferred += n; return n; } /// /// Returns the final HMAC-SHA1-80 for the data that was encrypted. /// public byte[] FinalAuthentication { get { if (!_finalBlock) { // special-case zero-byte files if ( _totalBytesXferred != 0) throw new BadStateException("The final hash has not been computed."); // Must call ComputeHash on an empty byte array when no data // has run through the MAC. byte[] b = { }; _mac.ComputeHash(b); // fall through } byte[] macBytes10 = new byte[10]; System.Array.Copy(_mac.Hash, 0, macBytes10, 0, 10); return macBytes10; } } public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (_finalBlock) throw new InvalidOperationException("The final block has already been transformed."); if (_mode == CryptoMode.Decrypt) throw new NotSupportedException(); if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer"); if (offset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", "Must not be less than zero."); if (count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "Must not be less than zero."); if (buffer.Length < offset + count) throw new ArgumentException("The offset and count are too large"); if (count == 0) return; TraceOutput("Write off({0}) count({1})", offset, count); #if WANT_TRACE untransformed.Write(buffer, offset, count); #endif // For proper AES encryption, an AES encryptor application calls // TransformBlock repeatedly for all 16-byte blocks except the // last. For the last block, it then calls TransformFinalBlock(). // // This class is a stream that encrypts via Write(). But, it's not // possible to recognize which are the "last" bytes from within the call // to Write(). The caller can call Write() several times in succession, // with varying buffers. This class only "knows" that the last bytes // have been written when the app calls Close(). // // Therefore, this class buffers writes: After completion every Write(), // a 16-byte "pending" block (_PendingWriteBlock) must hold between 1 // and 16 bytes, which will be used in TransformFinalBlock if the app // calls Close() immediately thereafter. Also, every write must // transform any pending bytes, before transforming the data passed in // to the current call. // // In operation, after the first call to Write() and before the call to // Close(), one full or partial block of bytes is always available, // pending. At time of Close(), this class calls // WriteTransformFinalBlock() to flush the pending bytes. // // This approach works whether the caller writes in odd-sized batches, // for example 5000 bytes, or in batches that are neat multiples of the // blocksize (16). // // Logicaly, what we do is this: // // 1. if there are fewer than 16 bytes (pending + current), then // just copy them into th pending buffer and return. // // 2. there are more than 16 bytes to write. So, take the leading slice // of bytes from the current buffer, enough to fill the pending // buffer. Transform the pending block, and write it out. // // 3. Take the trailing slice of bytes (a full block or a partial block), // and copy it to the pending block for next time. // // 4. transform and write all the other blocks, the middle slice. // // There are 16 or fewer bytes, so just buffer the bytes. if (count + _pendingCount <= BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES) { Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, _PendingWriteBlock, _pendingCount, count); _pendingCount += count; // At this point, _PendingWriteBlock contains up to // BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES bytes, and _pendingCount ranges from 0 to // BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES. We don't want to xform+write them yet, // because this may have been the last block. The last block gets // written at Close(). return; } // We know there are at least 17 bytes, counting those in the current // buffer, along with the (possibly empty) pending block. int bytesRemaining = count; int curOffset = offset; // workitem 12815 // // xform chunkwise ... Cannot transform in place using the original // buffer because that is user-maintained. if (_pendingCount != 0) { // We have more than one block of data to write, therefore it is safe // to xform+write. int fillCount = BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES - _pendingCount; // fillCount is possibly zero here. That happens when the pending // buffer held 16 bytes (one complete block) before this call to // Write. if (fillCount > 0) { Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, _PendingWriteBlock, _pendingCount, fillCount); // adjust counts: bytesRemaining -= fillCount; curOffset += fillCount; } // xform and write: WriteTransformOneBlock(_PendingWriteBlock, 0); _s.Write(_PendingWriteBlock, 0, BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES); _totalBytesXferred += BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES; _pendingCount = 0; } // At this point _PendingWriteBlock is empty, and bytesRemaining is // always greater than 0. // Now, xform N blocks, where N = floor((bytesRemaining-1)/16). If // writing 32 bytes, then xform 1 block, and stage the remaining 16. If // writing 10037 bytes, xform 627 blocks of 16 bytes, then stage the // remaining 5 bytes. int blocksToXform = (bytesRemaining-1)/BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES; _pendingCount = bytesRemaining - (blocksToXform * BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES); // _pendingCount is ALWAYS between 1 and 16. // Put the last _pendingCount bytes into the pending block. Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, curOffset + bytesRemaining - _pendingCount, _PendingWriteBlock, 0, _pendingCount); bytesRemaining -= _pendingCount; _totalBytesXferred += bytesRemaining; // will be true after the loop // now, transform all the full blocks preceding that. // bytesRemaining is always a multiple of 16 . if (blocksToXform > 0) { do { int c = _iobuf.Length; if (c > bytesRemaining) c = bytesRemaining; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, curOffset, _iobuf, 0, c); WriteTransformBlocks(_iobuf, 0, c); _s.Write(_iobuf, 0, c); bytesRemaining -= c; curOffset += c; } while(bytesRemaining > 0); } } /// /// Close the stream. /// public override void Close() { TraceOutput("Close {0:X8}", this.GetHashCode()); // In the degenerate case, no bytes have been written to the // stream at all. Need to check here, and NOT emit the // final block if Write has not been called. if (_pendingCount > 0) { WriteTransformFinalBlock(); _s.Write(_PendingWriteBlock, 0, _pendingCount); _totalBytesXferred += _pendingCount; _pendingCount = 0; } _s.Close(); #if WANT_TRACE untransformed.Close(); transformed.Close(); Console.WriteLine("\nuntransformed bytestream is in {0}", traceFileUntransformed); Console.WriteLine("\ntransformed bytestream is in {0}", traceFileTransformed); #endif TraceOutput("-------------------------------------------------------"); } /// /// Returns true if the stream can be read. /// public override bool CanRead { get { if (_mode != CryptoMode.Decrypt) return false; return true; } } /// /// Always returns false. /// public override bool CanSeek { get { return false; } } /// /// Returns true if the CryptoMode is Encrypt. /// public override bool CanWrite { get { return (_mode == CryptoMode.Encrypt); } } /// /// Flush the content in the stream. /// public override void Flush() { _s.Flush(); } /// /// Getting this property throws a NotImplementedException. /// public override long Length { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } /// /// Getting or Setting this property throws a NotImplementedException. /// public override long Position { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } /// /// This method throws a NotImplementedException. /// public override long Seek(long offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin origin) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /// /// This method throws a NotImplementedException. /// public override void SetLength(long value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } [System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute("Trace")] private void TraceOutput(string format, params object[] varParams) { lock(_outputLock) { int tid = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode(); Console.ForegroundColor = (ConsoleColor) (tid % 8 + 8); Console.Write("{0:000} WZACS ", tid); Console.WriteLine(format, varParams); Console.ResetColor(); } } private object _outputLock = new Object(); } } #endif