/******************************************************************************* * You may amend and distribute as you like, but don't remove this header! * * EPPlus provides server-side generation of Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets. * See http://www.codeplex.com/EPPlus for details. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Källman * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be viewed at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php * If you unfamiliar with this license or have questions about it, here is an http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html * * All code and executables are provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied. * The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that this product may cause. * * Code change notes: * * Author Change Date ******************************************************************************* * Jan Källman Initial Release 2009-10-01 * Jan Källman Total rewrite 2010-03-01 * Jan Källman License changed GPL-->LGPL 2011-12-27 * *******************************************************************************/ using System; using System.Xml; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Vml; using System.IO; using OfficeOpenXml.Drawing; using OfficeOpenXml.Utils; namespace OfficeOpenXml { /// /// How a picture will be aligned in the header/footer /// public enum PictureAlignment { /// /// The picture will be added to the left aligned text /// Left, /// /// The picture will be added to the centered text /// Centered, /// /// The picture will be added to the right aligned text /// Right } #region class ExcelHeaderFooterText /// /// Print header and footer /// public class ExcelHeaderFooterText { ExcelWorksheet _ws; string _hf; internal ExcelHeaderFooterText(XmlNode TextNode, ExcelWorksheet ws, string hf) { _ws = ws; _hf = hf; if (TextNode == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextNode.InnerText)) return; string text = TextNode.InnerText; string code = text.Substring(0, 2); int startPos=2; for (int pos=startPos;pos /// Get/set the text to appear on the left hand side of the header (or footer) on the worksheet. /// public string LeftAlignedText = null; /// /// Get/set the text to appear in the center of the header (or footer) on the worksheet. /// public string CenteredText = null; /// /// Get/set the text to appear on the right hand side of the header (or footer) on the worksheet. /// public string RightAlignedText = null; /// /// Inserts a picture at the end of the text in the header or footer /// /// The image object containing the Picture /// Alignment. The image object will be inserted at the end of the Text. public ExcelVmlDrawingPicture InsertPicture(Image Picture, PictureAlignment Alignment) { string id = ValidateImage(Alignment); //Add the image ImageConverter ic = new ImageConverter(); byte[] img = (byte[])ic.ConvertTo(Picture, typeof(byte[])); var ii = _ws.Workbook._package.AddImage(img); return AddImage(Picture, id, ii); } /// /// Inserts a picture at the end of the text in the header or footer /// /// The image object containing the Picture /// Alignment. The image object will be inserted at the end of the Text. public ExcelVmlDrawingPicture InsertPicture(FileInfo PictureFile, PictureAlignment Alignment) { string id = ValidateImage(Alignment); Image Picture; try { if (!PictureFile.Exists) { throw (new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("{0} is missing", PictureFile.FullName))); } Picture = Image.FromFile(PictureFile.FullName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (new InvalidDataException("File is not a supported image-file or is corrupt", ex)); } ImageConverter ic = new ImageConverter(); string contentType = ExcelPicture.GetContentType(PictureFile.Extension); var uriPic = XmlHelper.GetNewUri(_ws._package.Package, "/xl/media/"+PictureFile.Name.Substring(0, PictureFile.Name.Length-PictureFile.Extension.Length) + "{0}" + PictureFile.Extension); byte[] imgBytes = (byte[])ic.ConvertTo(Picture, typeof(byte[])); var ii = _ws.Workbook._package.AddImage(imgBytes, uriPic, contentType); return AddImage(Picture, id, ii); } private ExcelVmlDrawingPicture AddImage(Image Picture, string id, ExcelPackage.ImageInfo ii) { double width = Picture.Width * 72 / Picture.HorizontalResolution, //Pixel --> Points height = Picture.Height * 72 / Picture.VerticalResolution; //Pixel --> Points //Add VML-drawing return _ws.HeaderFooter.Pictures.Add(id, ii.Uri, "", width, height); } private string ValidateImage(PictureAlignment Alignment) { string id = string.Concat(Alignment.ToString()[0], _hf); foreach (ExcelVmlDrawingPicture image in _ws.HeaderFooter.Pictures) { if (image.Id == id) { throw (new InvalidOperationException("A picture already exists in this section")); } } //Add the image placeholder to the end of the text switch (Alignment) { case PictureAlignment.Left: LeftAlignedText += ExcelHeaderFooter.Image; break; case PictureAlignment.Centered: CenteredText += ExcelHeaderFooter.Image; break; default: RightAlignedText += ExcelHeaderFooter.Image; break; } return id; } } #endregion #region ExcelHeaderFooter /// /// Represents the Header and Footer on an Excel Worksheet /// public sealed class ExcelHeaderFooter : XmlHelper { #region Static Properties /// /// The code for "current page #" /// public const string PageNumber = @"&P"; /// /// The code for "total pages" /// public const string NumberOfPages = @"&N"; /// /// The code for "text font color" /// RGB Color is specified as RRGGBB /// Theme Color is specified as TTSNN where TT is the theme color Id, S is either "+" or "-" of the tint/shade value, NN is the tint/shade value. /// public const string FontColor = @"&K"; /// /// The code for "sheet tab name" /// public const string SheetName = @"&A"; /// /// The code for "this workbook's file path" /// public const string FilePath = @"&Z"; /// /// The code for "this workbook's file name" /// public const string FileName = @"&F"; /// /// The code for "date" /// public const string CurrentDate = @"&D"; /// /// The code for "time" /// public const string CurrentTime = @"&T"; /// /// The code for "picture as background" /// public const string Image = @"&G"; /// /// The code for "outline style" /// public const string OutlineStyle = @"&O"; /// /// The code for "shadow style" /// public const string ShadowStyle = @"&H"; #endregion #region ExcelHeaderFooter Private Properties internal ExcelHeaderFooterText _oddHeader; internal ExcelHeaderFooterText _oddFooter; internal ExcelHeaderFooterText _evenHeader; internal ExcelHeaderFooterText _evenFooter; internal ExcelHeaderFooterText _firstHeader; internal ExcelHeaderFooterText _firstFooter; private ExcelWorksheet _ws; #endregion #region ExcelHeaderFooter Constructor /// /// ExcelHeaderFooter Constructor /// /// /// /// The worksheet internal ExcelHeaderFooter(XmlNamespaceManager nameSpaceManager, XmlNode topNode, ExcelWorksheet ws) : base(nameSpaceManager, topNode) { _ws = ws; SchemaNodeOrder = new string[] { "headerFooter", "oddHeader", "oddFooter", "evenHeader", "evenFooter", "firstHeader", "firstFooter" }; } #endregion #region alignWithMargins const string alignWithMarginsPath="@alignWithMargins"; /// /// Gets/sets the alignWithMargins attribute /// public bool AlignWithMargins { get { return GetXmlNodeBool(alignWithMarginsPath); } set { SetXmlNodeString(alignWithMarginsPath, value ? "1" : "0"); } } #endregion #region differentOddEven const string differentOddEvenPath = "@differentOddEven"; /// /// Gets/sets the flag that tells Excel to display different headers and footers on odd and even pages. /// public bool differentOddEven { get { return GetXmlNodeBool(differentOddEvenPath); } set { SetXmlNodeString(differentOddEvenPath, value ? "1" : "0"); } } #endregion #region differentFirst const string differentFirstPath = "@differentFirst"; /// /// Gets/sets the flag that tells Excel to display different headers and footers on the first page of the worksheet. /// public bool differentFirst { get { return GetXmlNodeBool(differentFirstPath); } set { SetXmlNodeString(differentFirstPath, value ? "1" : "0"); } } #endregion #region ExcelHeaderFooter Public Properties /// /// Provides access to the header on odd numbered pages of the document. /// If you want the same header on both odd and even pages, then only set values in this ExcelHeaderFooterText class. /// public ExcelHeaderFooterText OddHeader { get { if (_oddHeader == null) { _oddHeader = new ExcelHeaderFooterText(TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:oddHeader", NameSpaceManager), _ws, "H"); } return _oddHeader; } } /// /// Provides access to the footer on odd numbered pages of the document. /// If you want the same footer on both odd and even pages, then only set values in this ExcelHeaderFooterText class. /// public ExcelHeaderFooterText OddFooter { get { if (_oddFooter == null) { _oddFooter = new ExcelHeaderFooterText(TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:oddFooter", NameSpaceManager), _ws, "F"); ; } return _oddFooter; } } // evenHeader and evenFooter set differentOddEven = true /// /// Provides access to the header on even numbered pages of the document. /// public ExcelHeaderFooterText EvenHeader { get { if (_evenHeader == null) { _evenHeader = new ExcelHeaderFooterText(TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:evenHeader", NameSpaceManager), _ws, "HEVEN"); differentOddEven = true; } return _evenHeader; } } /// /// Provides access to the footer on even numbered pages of the document. /// public ExcelHeaderFooterText EvenFooter { get { if (_evenFooter == null) { _evenFooter = new ExcelHeaderFooterText(TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:evenFooter", NameSpaceManager), _ws, "FEVEN"); differentOddEven = true; } return _evenFooter ; } } /// /// Provides access to the header on the first page of the document. /// public ExcelHeaderFooterText FirstHeader { get { if (_firstHeader == null) { _firstHeader = new ExcelHeaderFooterText(TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:firstHeader", NameSpaceManager), _ws, "HFIRST"); differentFirst = true; } return _firstHeader; } } /// /// Provides access to the footer on the first page of the document. /// public ExcelHeaderFooterText FirstFooter { get { if (_firstFooter == null) { _firstFooter = new ExcelHeaderFooterText(TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:firstFooter", NameSpaceManager), _ws, "FFIRST"); differentFirst = true; } return _firstFooter; } } private ExcelVmlDrawingPictureCollection _vmlDrawingsHF = null; /// /// Vml drawings. Underlaying object for Header footer images /// public ExcelVmlDrawingPictureCollection Pictures { get { if (_vmlDrawingsHF == null) { var vmlNode = _ws.WorksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("d:worksheet/d:legacyDrawingHF/@r:id", NameSpaceManager); if (vmlNode == null) { _vmlDrawingsHF = new ExcelVmlDrawingPictureCollection(_ws._package, _ws, null); } else { if (_ws.Part.RelationshipExists(vmlNode.Value)) { var rel = _ws.Part.GetRelationship(vmlNode.Value); var vmlUri = UriHelper.ResolvePartUri(rel.SourceUri, rel.TargetUri); _vmlDrawingsHF = new ExcelVmlDrawingPictureCollection(_ws._package, _ws, vmlUri); _vmlDrawingsHF.RelId = rel.Id; } } } return _vmlDrawingsHF; } } #endregion #region Save // ExcelHeaderFooter /// /// Saves the header and footer information to the worksheet XML /// internal void Save() { if (_oddHeader != null) { SetXmlNodeString("d:oddHeader", GetText(OddHeader)); } if (_oddFooter != null) { SetXmlNodeString("d:oddFooter", GetText(OddFooter)); } // only set evenHeader and evenFooter if (differentOddEven) { if (_evenHeader != null) { SetXmlNodeString("d:evenHeader", GetText(EvenHeader)); } if (_evenFooter != null) { SetXmlNodeString("d:evenFooter", GetText(EvenFooter)); } } // only set firstHeader and firstFooter if (differentFirst) { if (_firstHeader != null) { SetXmlNodeString("d:firstHeader", GetText(FirstHeader)); } if (_firstFooter != null) { SetXmlNodeString("d:firstFooter", GetText(FirstFooter)); } } } internal void SaveHeaderFooterImages() { if (_vmlDrawingsHF != null) { if (_vmlDrawingsHF.Count == 0) { if (_vmlDrawingsHF.Uri != null) { _ws.Part.DeleteRelationship(_vmlDrawingsHF.RelId); _ws._package.Package.DeletePart(_vmlDrawingsHF.Uri); } } else { if (_vmlDrawingsHF.Uri == null) { _vmlDrawingsHF.Uri = XmlHelper.GetNewUri(_ws._package.Package, @"/xl/drawings/vmlDrawing{0}.vml"); } if (_vmlDrawingsHF.Part == null) { _vmlDrawingsHF.Part = _ws._package.Package.CreatePart(_vmlDrawingsHF.Uri, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.vmlDrawing", _ws._package.Compression); var rel = _ws.Part.CreateRelationship(UriHelper.GetRelativeUri(_ws.WorksheetUri, _vmlDrawingsHF.Uri), Packaging.TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships + "/vmlDrawing"); _ws.SetHFLegacyDrawingRel(rel.Id); _vmlDrawingsHF.RelId = rel.Id; foreach (ExcelVmlDrawingPicture draw in _vmlDrawingsHF) { rel = _vmlDrawingsHF.Part.CreateRelationship(UriHelper.GetRelativeUri(_vmlDrawingsHF.Uri, draw.ImageUri), Packaging.TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships + "/image"); draw.RelId = rel.Id; } } _vmlDrawingsHF.VmlDrawingXml.Save(_vmlDrawingsHF.Part.GetStream()); } } } private string GetText(ExcelHeaderFooterText headerFooter) { string ret = ""; if (headerFooter.LeftAlignedText != null) ret += "&L" + headerFooter.LeftAlignedText; if (headerFooter.CenteredText != null) ret += "&C" + headerFooter.CenteredText; if (headerFooter.RightAlignedText != null) ret += "&R" + headerFooter.RightAlignedText; return ret; } #endregion } #endregion }