@ECHO OFF SET CLEANBEFOREBUILD= SET SELECTED= SET CONFIGURATION= SET PLATFORM= IF "%~1"=="" GOTO :prompt_solution SET SELECTED=%1 IF NOT EXIST %SELECTED% ( ECHO Solution file %SELECTED% could not be found. GOTO :end ) ECHO Building solution %SELECTED% ... GOTO :config_selection :prompt_solution SET /A COUNT=0 FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('dir /B *.sln') DO ( CALL :forloopbody "%%A" ) IF "%COUNT%"=="1" ( SET SELECTED=%SOLUTIONS.1% ECHO Building %SOLUTIONS.1% as it is the only solution that was found ... GOTO :config_selection ) ECHO Found the following solutions: FOR /F "tokens=2* delims=.=" %%A IN ('SET SOLUTIONS.') DO ECHO %%A = %%B ECHO. SET /P SOLUTIONINDEX=Which solution to build? Type the number: SET SELECTED="" FOR /F "tokens=2* delims=.=" %%A IN ('SET SOLUTIONS.') DO ( IF "%%A"=="%SOLUTIONINDEX%" SET SELECTED=%%B ) IF %SELECTED%=="" GOTO :eof :config_selection IF "%~2"=="" GOTO :prompt_config SET CONFIGURATION=%~2 ECHO Building configuration %CONFIGURATION% ... GOTO :platform_selection :prompt_config SET /P CONFIGURATION=Which configuration to build [Release]: IF "%CONFIGURATION%"=="" SET CONFIGURATION=Release :platform_selection IF "%~3"=="" GOTO :prompt_platform SET PLATFORM=%~3 ECHO Building platform %PLATFORM% ... GOTO :clean :prompt_platform SET /P PLATFORM=Which platform to build [Any CPU]: IF "%PLATFORM%"=="" SET PLATFORM=Any CPU :clean IF "%~4"=="" GOTO :prompt_clean SET CLEANBEFOREBUILD=%~4 GOTO :main :prompt_clean SET /P CLEANBEFOREBUILD=Would you like to clean before building [n]: IF "%CLEANBEFOREBUILD%"=="" SET CLEANBEFOREBUILD=n :main REM First find the path to the msbuild.exe by performing a registry query FOR /F "tokens=1,3 delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\4.0"') DO ( IF "%%A"=="MSBuildToolsPath" SET MSBUILDPATH=%%B) REM Then execute msbuild to clean and build the solution REM Disable that msbuild creates a cache file of the solution SET MSBuildUseNoSolutionCache=1 REM Run msbuild to clean and then build IF "%CLEANBEFOREBUILD%" NEQ "n" ( ECHO Cleaning ... msbuild.exe %SELECTED% /target:Clean /p:Configuration="%CONFIGURATION%",Platform="%PLATFORM%" /m:2 /nologo /verbosity:q /clp:ErrorsOnly ) ECHO Building ... msbuild.exe %SELECTED% /target:Build /p:Configuration="%CONFIGURATION%",Platform="%PLATFORM%" /m:2 /nologo /verbosity:q /clp:ErrorsOnly ECHO. ECHO DONE. :end PAUSE GOTO :eof REM This workaround is necessary so that COUNT gets reevaluated :forloopbody SET /A COUNT+=1 SET SOLUTIONS.%COUNT%=%1 GOTO :eof