namespace HeuristicLab.BenchmarkSuite.Problems {
  using System.Linq;

  public class EvenSquares : BenchmarkSuiteDataDescriptor {
    private const string name = "Even Sqaures - Hard";
    private const string fileName = "EvenSquares.csv";
    private const string description = " Given an integer n, print all of the positive even perfect squares less than n on separate lines.";

    protected override string FileName { get { return fileName; } }
    public override string Name { get { return name; } }
    public override string Description { get { return description; } }
    protected override int InputArgumentCount { get { return 1; } }
    protected override int OutputArgumentCount { get { return 1; } }

    public override ProblemData CreateProblemData() {
      return new ProblemData(ProblemType.EvenSquares) {
        Name = Name,
        Description = Description,
        ProgramExecutionBudget = 30000000,
        Examples = CloneExamples(),
        BestResult = 0,
        WorstResult = 5000,
        InputArgumentTypes = new[] { ExampleArgumentType.Integer },
        OutputArgumentTypes = new[] { ExampleArgumentType.Print },
        TrainingCount = 100,
        TestCount = 1000,
        EnabledDataTypes = DataTypes.Exec | DataTypes.Integer | DataTypes.Boolean | DataTypes.Print,
        MaxSize = 400,
        EvalLimit = 2000,

    protected override Example ParseExample(string[] input, string[] output) {
      return new Example {
        InputArgs = input,
        OutputArgs = output,
        InputInteger = ExampleArgumentConverter.ConvertIntegers(input),
        OutputPrint = output[0],

        // helper
        OutputIntegerVector = new [] { output[0].Split('\n').Select(ExampleArgumentConverter.ConvertInteger).ToArray() }