/************************************************************************** ALGLIB 3.15.0 (source code generated 2019-02-20) Copyright (c) Sergey Bochkanov (ALGLIB project). >>> SOURCE LICENSE >>> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (www.fsf.org); either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses >>> END OF LICENSE >>> **************************************************************************/ using System; public partial class alglib { /******************************************************************** Callback definitions for optimizers/fitters/solvers. Callbacks for unparameterized (general) functions: * ndimensional_func calculates f(arg), stores result to func * ndimensional_grad calculates func = f(arg), grad[i] = df(arg)/d(arg[i]) * ndimensional_hess calculates func = f(arg), grad[i] = df(arg)/d(arg[i]), hess[i,j] = d2f(arg)/(d(arg[i])*d(arg[j])) Callbacks for systems of functions: * ndimensional_fvec calculates vector function f(arg), stores result to fi * ndimensional_jac calculates f[i] = fi(arg) jac[i,j] = df[i](arg)/d(arg[j]) Callbacks for parameterized functions, i.e. for functions which depend on two vectors: P and Q. Gradient and Hessian are calculated with respect to P only. * ndimensional_pfunc calculates f(p,q), stores result to func * ndimensional_pgrad calculates func = f(p,q), grad[i] = df(p,q)/d(p[i]) * ndimensional_phess calculates func = f(p,q), grad[i] = df(p,q)/d(p[i]), hess[i,j] = d2f(p,q)/(d(p[i])*d(p[j])) Callbacks for progress reports: * ndimensional_rep reports current position of optimization algo Callbacks for ODE solvers: * ndimensional_ode_rp calculates dy/dx for given y[] and x Callbacks for integrators: * integrator1_func calculates f(x) for given x (additional parameters xminusa and bminusx contain x-a and b-x) ********************************************************************/ public delegate void ndimensional_func (double[] arg, ref double func, object obj); public delegate void ndimensional_grad (double[] arg, ref double func, double[] grad, object obj); public delegate void ndimensional_hess (double[] arg, ref double func, double[] grad, double[,] hess, object obj); public delegate void ndimensional_fvec (double[] arg, double[] fi, object obj); public delegate void ndimensional_jac (double[] arg, double[] fi, double[,] jac, object obj); public delegate void ndimensional_pfunc(double[] p, double[] q, ref double func, object obj); public delegate void ndimensional_pgrad(double[] p, double[] q, ref double func, double[] grad, object obj); public delegate void ndimensional_phess(double[] p, double[] q, ref double func, double[] grad, double[,] hess, object obj); public delegate void ndimensional_rep(double[] arg, double func, object obj); public delegate void ndimensional_ode_rp (double[] y, double x, double[] dy, object obj); public delegate void integrator1_func (double x, double xminusa, double bminusx, ref double f, object obj); /******************************************************************** Class defining a complex number with double precision. ********************************************************************/ public struct complex { public double x; public double y; public complex(double _x) { x = _x; y = 0; } public complex(double _x, double _y) { x = _x; y = _y; } public static implicit operator complex(double _x) { return new complex(_x); } public static bool operator==(complex lhs, complex rhs) { return ((double)lhs.x==(double)rhs.x) & ((double)lhs.y==(double)rhs.y); } public static bool operator!=(complex lhs, complex rhs) { return ((double)lhs.x!=(double)rhs.x) | ((double)lhs.y!=(double)rhs.y); } public static complex operator+(complex lhs) { return lhs; } public static complex operator-(complex lhs) { return new complex(-lhs.x,-lhs.y); } public static complex operator+(complex lhs, complex rhs) { return new complex(lhs.x+rhs.x,lhs.y+rhs.y); } public static complex operator-(complex lhs, complex rhs) { return new complex(lhs.x-rhs.x,lhs.y-rhs.y); } public static complex operator*(complex lhs, complex rhs) { return new complex(lhs.x*rhs.x-lhs.y*rhs.y, lhs.x*rhs.y+lhs.y*rhs.x); } public static complex operator/(complex lhs, complex rhs) { complex result; double e; double f; if( System.Math.Abs(rhs.y)>FLG_THREADING_SHIFT); public static void setglobalthreading(xparams p) { AE_CRITICAL_ASSERT(p!=null); ae_set_global_threading(p.flags); } public static void ae_set_global_threading(ulong flg_value) { flg_value = flg_value&FLG_THREADING_MASK; AE_CRITICAL_ASSERT(flg_value==FLG_THREADING_SERIAL || flg_value==FLG_THREADING_PARALLEL); global_threading_flags = (byte)(flg_value>>FLG_THREADING_SHIFT); } public static ulong ae_get_global_threading() { return ((ulong)global_threading_flags)<(ref T obj) where T : alglib.alglibobject { obj._deallocate(); obj = null; } /******************************************************************** Allocation counter: * in managed ALGLIB it always returns 0 (dummy code) * in native ALGLIB it returns current value of the allocation counter (if it was activated) ********************************************************************/ public static long alloc_counter() { return 0; } /******************************************************************** Activization of the allocation counter: * in managed ALGLIB it does nothing (dummy code) * in native ALGLIB it turns on allocation counting. ********************************************************************/ public static void alloc_counter_activate() { } /******************************************************************** This function allows to set one of the debug flags. In managed ALGLIB does nothing (dummy). ********************************************************************/ public static void set_dbg_flag(long flag_id, long flag_value) { } /******************************************************************** This function allows to get one of the debug counters. In managed ALGLIB does nothing (dummy). ********************************************************************/ public static long get_dbg_value(long id) { return 0; } /******************************************************************** Activization of the allocation counter: * in managed ALGLIB it does nothing (dummy code) * in native ALGLIB it turns on allocation counting. ********************************************************************/ public static void free_disposed_items() { } /************************************************************************ This function maps nworkers number (which can be positive, zero or negative with 0 meaning "all cores", -1 meaning "all cores -1" and so on) to "effective", strictly positive workers count. This function is intended to be used by debugging/testing code which tests different number of worker threads. It is NOT aligned in any way with ALGLIB multithreading framework (i.e. it can return non-zero worker count even for single-threaded GPLed ALGLIB). ************************************************************************/ public static int get_effective_workers(int nworkers) { int ncores = System.Environment.ProcessorCount; if( nworkers>=1 ) return nworkers>ncores ? ncores : nworkers; return ncores+nworkers>=1 ? ncores+nworkers : 1; } /******************************************************************** reverse communication structure ********************************************************************/ public class rcommstate : apobject { public rcommstate() { init(); } public override void init() { stage = -1; ia = new int[0]; ba = new bool[0]; ra = new double[0]; ca = new alglib.complex[0]; } public override apobject make_copy() { rcommstate result = new rcommstate(); result.stage = stage; result.ia = (int[])ia.Clone(); result.ba = (bool[])ba.Clone(); result.ra = (double[])ra.Clone(); result.ca = (alglib.complex[])ca.Clone(); return result; } public int stage; public int[] ia; public bool[] ba; public double[] ra; public alglib.complex[] ca; }; /******************************************************************** internal functions ********************************************************************/ public class ap { public static int len(T[] a) { return a.Length; } public static int rows(T[,] a) { return a.GetLength(0); } public static int cols(T[,] a) { return a.GetLength(1); } public static void swap(ref T a, ref T b) { T t = a; a = b; b = t; } public static void assert(bool cond, string s) { if( !cond ) throw new alglibexception(s); } public static void assert(bool cond) { assert(cond, "ALGLIB: assertion failed"); } /**************************************************************** Error tracking for unit testing purposes; utility functions. ****************************************************************/ public static string sef_xdesc = ""; public static void seterrorflag(ref bool flag, bool cond, string xdesc) { if( cond ) { flag = true; sef_xdesc = xdesc; } } /**************************************************************** returns dps (digits-of-precision) value corresponding to threshold. dps(0.9) = dps(0.5) = dps(0.1) = 0 dps(0.09) = dps(0.05) = dps(0.01) = 1 and so on ****************************************************************/ public static int threshold2dps(double threshold) { int result = 0; double t; for (result = 0, t = 1; t / 10 > threshold*(1+1E-10); result++, t /= 10) ; return result; } /**************************************************************** prints formatted complex ****************************************************************/ public static string format(complex a, int _dps) { int dps = Math.Abs(_dps); string fmt = _dps>=0 ? "F" : "E"; string fmtx = String.Format("{{0:"+fmt+"{0}}}", dps); string fmty = String.Format("{{0:"+fmt+"{0}}}", dps); string result = String.Format(fmtx, a.x) + (a.y >= 0 ? "+" : "-") + String.Format(fmty, Math.Abs(a.y)) + "i"; result = result.Replace(',', '.'); return result; } /**************************************************************** prints formatted array ****************************************************************/ public static string format(bool[] a) { string[] result = new string[len(a)]; int i; for(i=0; i= 0 ? "F" : "E"; string fmt = String.Format("{{0:" + sfmt + "{0}}}", dps); string[] result = new string[len(a)]; int i; for (i = 0; i < len(a); i++) { result[i] = String.Format(fmt, a[i]); result[i] = result[i].Replace(',', '.'); } return "{" + String.Join(",", result) + "}"; } /**************************************************************** prints formatted array ****************************************************************/ public static string format(complex[] a, int _dps) { int dps = Math.Abs(_dps); string fmt = _dps >= 0 ? "F" : "E"; string fmtx = String.Format("{{0:"+fmt+"{0}}}", dps); string fmty = String.Format("{{0:"+fmt+"{0}}}", dps); string[] result = new string[len(a)]; int i; for (i = 0; i < len(a); i++) { result[i] = String.Format(fmtx, a[i].x) + (a[i].y >= 0 ? "+" : "-") + String.Format(fmty, Math.Abs(a[i].y)) + "i"; result[i] = result[i].Replace(',', '.'); } return "{" + String.Join(",", result) + "}"; } /**************************************************************** prints formatted matrix ****************************************************************/ public static string format(bool[,] a) { int i, j, m, n; n = cols(a); m = rows(a); bool[] line = new bool[n]; string[] result = new string[m]; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) line[j] = a[i, j]; result[i] = format(line); } return "{" + String.Join(",", result) + "}"; } /**************************************************************** prints formatted matrix ****************************************************************/ public static string format(int[,] a) { int i, j, m, n; n = cols(a); m = rows(a); int[] line = new int[n]; string[] result = new string[m]; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) line[j] = a[i, j]; result[i] = format(line); } return "{" + String.Join(",", result) + "}"; } /**************************************************************** prints formatted matrix ****************************************************************/ public static string format(double[,] a, int dps) { int i, j, m, n; n = cols(a); m = rows(a); double[] line = new double[n]; string[] result = new string[m]; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) line[j] = a[i, j]; result[i] = format(line, dps); } return "{" + String.Join(",", result) + "}"; } /**************************************************************** prints formatted matrix ****************************************************************/ public static string format(complex[,] a, int dps) { int i, j, m, n; n = cols(a); m = rows(a); complex[] line = new complex[n]; string[] result = new string[m]; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) line[j] = a[i, j]; result[i] = format(line, dps); } return "{" + String.Join(",", result) + "}"; } /**************************************************************** checks that matrix is symmetric. max|A-A^T| is calculated; if it is within 1.0E-14 of max|A|, matrix is considered symmetric ****************************************************************/ public static bool issymmetric(double[,] a) { int i, j, n; double err, mx, v1, v2; if( rows(a)!=cols(a) ) return false; n = rows(a); if( n==0 ) return true; mx = 0; err = 0; for( i=0; iyabs ? xabs : yabs; v = xabs0; ) { byte c = v1[filesize-1]; if( c==b_space || c==b_tab || c==b_cr || c==b_lf ) { filesize--; continue; } break; } if( filesize==0 ) return; v1[filesize+0] = b_lf; v1[filesize+1] = 0x0; filesize+=2; // // Scan dataset. // int rows_count, cols_count, max_length = 0; cols_count = 1; for(int idx=0; idxmax_length ? idx-cur_offs : max_length; cur_offs = idx+1; cur_col_idx++; } // advance row start cur_row_idx++; row_start = row_start+row_length+1; } // // Convert // int row0 = skip_first_row ? 1 : 0; int row1 = rows_count; System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(""); // invariant culture matrix = new double[row1-row0, cols_count]; alglib.AE_CRITICAL_ASSERT(culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator=="."); for(int ridx=row0; ridx63 ) return '?'; return _sixbits2char_tbl[v]; } /************************************************************************ This function converts character to six-bit value (from 0 to 63). This function is inverse of ae_sixbits2char() If c is not correct character, this function returns -1. ************************************************************************/ private static int[] _char2sixbits_tbl = new int[128] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; private static int char2sixbits(char c) { return (c>=0 && c<127) ? _char2sixbits_tbl[c] : -1; } /************************************************************************ This function converts three bytes (24 bits) to four six-bit values (24 bits again). src array src_offs offset of three-bytes chunk dst array for ints dst_offs offset of four-ints chunk ************************************************************************/ private static void threebytes2foursixbits(byte[] src, int src_offs, int[] dst, int dst_offs) { dst[dst_offs+0] = src[src_offs+0] & 0x3F; dst[dst_offs+1] = (src[src_offs+0]>>6) | ((src[src_offs+1]&0x0F)<<2); dst[dst_offs+2] = (src[src_offs+1]>>4) | ((src[src_offs+2]&0x03)<<4); dst[dst_offs+3] = src[src_offs+2]>>2; } /************************************************************************ This function converts four six-bit values (24 bits) to three bytes (24 bits again). src pointer to four ints src_offs offset of the chunk dst pointer to three bytes dst_offs offset of the chunk ************************************************************************/ private static void foursixbits2threebytes(int[] src, int src_offs, byte[] dst, int dst_offs) { dst[dst_offs+0] = (byte)(src[src_offs+0] | ((src[src_offs+1]&0x03)<<6)); dst[dst_offs+1] = (byte)((src[src_offs+1]>>2) | ((src[src_offs+2]&0x0F)<<4)); dst[dst_offs+2] = (byte)((src[src_offs+2]>>4) | (src[src_offs+3]<<2)); } /************************************************************************ This function serializes boolean value into buffer v boolean value to be serialized buf buffer, at least 11 characters wide offs offset in the buffer after return from this function, offs points to the char's past the value being read. ************************************************************************/ private static void bool2str(bool v, char[] buf, ref int offs) { char c = v ? '1' : '0'; int i; for(i=0; i=SER_ENTRY_LENGTH ) throw new alglib.alglibexception(emsg); sixbits[sixbitsread] = d; sixbitsread++; offs++; } if( sixbitsread==0 ) throw new alglib.alglibexception(emsg); for(i=sixbitsread; i<12; i++) sixbits[i] = 0; foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits, 0, bytes, 0); foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits, 4, bytes, 3); foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits, 8, bytes, 6); c = (bytes[sizeof(int)-1] & 0x80)!=0 ? (byte)0xFF : (byte)0x00; for(i=sizeof(int); i<8; i++) if( bytes[i]!=c ) throw new alglib.alglibexception(emsg3264); for(i=0; i=SER_ENTRY_LENGTH ) throw new alglib.alglibexception(emsg); sixbits[sixbitsread] = d; sixbitsread++; offs++; } if( sixbitsread!=SER_ENTRY_LENGTH ) throw new alglib.alglibexception(emsg); sixbits[SER_ENTRY_LENGTH] = 0; foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits, 0, bytes, 0); foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits, 4, bytes, 3); foursixbits2threebytes(sixbits, 8, bytes, 6); for(i=0; i0x12345678 ) never_change_it = cnt%10; /* spin wait, test condition which will never be true */ for(i=0; i0 ) never_change_it--; } /************************************************************************ This function causes the calling thread to relinquish the CPU. The thread is moved to the end of the queue and some other thread gets to run. ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_yield() { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0); } /************************************************************************ This function initializes ae_lock structure and sets lock in a free mode. ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_init_lock(ref ae_lock obj) { obj = new ae_lock(); obj.is_locked = 0; } /************************************************************************ This function acquires lock. In case lock is busy, we perform several iterations inside tight loop before trying again. ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_acquire_lock(ae_lock obj) { int cnt = 0; for(;;) { if( System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref obj.is_locked, 1, 0)==0 ) return; ae_spin_wait(AE_LOCK_CYCLES); cnt++; if( cnt%AE_LOCK_TESTS_BEFORE_YIELD==0 ) ae_yield(); } } /************************************************************************ This function releases lock. ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_release_lock(ae_lock obj) { System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref obj.is_locked, 0); } /************************************************************************ This function frees ae_lock structure. ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_free_lock(ref ae_lock obj) { obj = null; } /************************************************************************ This function returns True, if internal seed object was set. It returns False for un-seeded pool. dst destination pool (initialized by constructor function) NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe. It does not acquire pool lock, so you should NOT call it when lock can be used by another thread. ************************************************************************/ public static bool ae_shared_pool_is_initialized(shared_pool dst) { return dst.seed_object!=null; } /************************************************************************ This function sets internal seed object. All objects owned by the pool (current seed object, recycled objects) are automatically freed. dst destination pool (initialized by constructor function) seed_object new seed object NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe. It does not acquire pool lock, so you should NOT call it when lock can be used by another thread. ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_shared_pool_set_seed(shared_pool dst, alglib.apobject seed_object) { dst.seed_object = seed_object.make_copy(); dst.recycled_objects = null; dst.enumeration_counter = null; } /************************************************************************ This function retrieves a copy of the seed object from the pool and stores it to target variable. pool pool obj target variable NOTE: this function IS thread-safe. It acquires pool lock during its operation and can be used simultaneously from several threads. ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_shared_pool_retrieve(shared_pool pool, ref T obj) where T : alglib.apobject { alglib.apobject new_obj; /* assert that pool was seeded */ alglib.ap.assert(pool.seed_object!=null, "ALGLIB: shared pool is not seeded, PoolRetrieve() failed"); /* acquire lock */ ae_acquire_lock(pool.pool_lock); /* try to reuse recycled objects */ if( pool.recycled_objects!=null ) { /* retrieve entry/object from list of recycled objects */ sharedpoolentry result = pool.recycled_objects; pool.recycled_objects = pool.recycled_objects.next_entry; new_obj = result.obj; result.obj = null; /* move entry to list of recycled entries */ result.next_entry = pool.recycled_entries; pool.recycled_entries = result; /* release lock */ ae_release_lock(pool.pool_lock); /* assign object to smart pointer */ obj = (T)new_obj; return; } /* * release lock; we do not need it anymore because * copy constructor does not modify source variable. */ ae_release_lock(pool.pool_lock); /* create new object from seed */ new_obj = pool.seed_object.make_copy(); /* assign object to pointer and return */ obj = (T)new_obj; } /************************************************************************ This function recycles object owned by the source variable by moving it to internal storage of the shared pool. Source variable must own the object, i.e. be the only place where reference to object is stored. After call to this function source variable becomes NULL. pool pool obj source variable NOTE: this function IS thread-safe. It acquires pool lock during its operation and can be used simultaneously from several threads. ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_shared_pool_recycle(shared_pool pool, ref T obj) where T : alglib.apobject { sharedpoolentry new_entry; /* assert that pool was seeded */ alglib.ap.assert(pool.seed_object!=null, "ALGLIB: shared pool is not seeded, PoolRecycle() failed"); /* assert that pointer non-null */ alglib.ap.assert(obj!=null, "ALGLIB: obj in ae_shared_pool_recycle() is NULL"); /* acquire lock */ ae_acquire_lock(pool.pool_lock); /* acquire shared pool entry (reuse one from recycled_entries or malloc new one) */ if( pool.recycled_entries!=null ) { /* reuse previously allocated entry */ new_entry = pool.recycled_entries; pool.recycled_entries = new_entry.next_entry; } else { /* * Allocate memory for new entry. * * NOTE: we release pool lock during allocation because new() may raise * exception and we do not want our pool to be left in the locked state. */ ae_release_lock(pool.pool_lock); new_entry = new sharedpoolentry(); ae_acquire_lock(pool.pool_lock); } /* add object to the list of recycled objects */ new_entry.obj = obj; new_entry.next_entry = pool.recycled_objects; pool.recycled_objects = new_entry; /* release lock object */ ae_release_lock(pool.pool_lock); /* release source pointer */ obj = null; } /************************************************************************ This function clears internal list of recycled objects, but does not change seed object managed by the pool. pool pool NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe. It does not acquire pool lock, so you should NOT call it when lock can be used by another thread. ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_shared_pool_clear_recycled(shared_pool pool) { pool.recycled_objects = null; } /************************************************************************ This function allows to enumerate recycled elements of the shared pool. It stores reference to the first recycled object in the smart pointer. IMPORTANT: * in case target variable owns non-NULL value, it is rewritten * recycled object IS NOT removed from pool * target variable DOES NOT become owner of the new value; you can use reference to recycled object, but you do not own it. * this function IS NOT thread-safe * you SHOULD NOT modify shared pool during enumeration (although you can modify state of the objects retrieved from pool) * in case there is no recycled objects in the pool, NULL is stored to obj * in case pool is not seeded, NULL is stored to obj pool pool obj reference ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_shared_pool_first_recycled(shared_pool pool, ref T obj) where T : alglib.apobject { /* modify internal enumeration counter */ pool.enumeration_counter = pool.recycled_objects; /* exit on empty list */ if( pool.enumeration_counter==null ) { obj = null; return; } /* assign object to smart pointer */ obj = (T)pool.enumeration_counter.obj; } /************************************************************************ This function allows to enumerate recycled elements of the shared pool. It stores pointer to the next recycled object in the smart pointer. IMPORTANT: * in case target variable owns non-NULL value, it is rewritten * recycled object IS NOT removed from pool * target pointer DOES NOT become owner of the new value * this function IS NOT thread-safe * you SHOULD NOT modify shared pool during enumeration (although you can modify state of the objects retrieved from pool) * in case there is no recycled objects left in the pool, NULL is stored. * in case pool is not seeded, NULL is stored. pool pool obj target variable ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_shared_pool_next_recycled(shared_pool pool, ref T obj) where T : alglib.apobject { /* exit on end of list */ if( pool.enumeration_counter==null ) { obj = null; return; } /* modify internal enumeration counter */ pool.enumeration_counter = pool.enumeration_counter.next_entry; /* exit on empty list */ if( pool.enumeration_counter==null ) { obj = null; return; } /* assign object to smart pointer */ obj = (T)pool.enumeration_counter.obj; } /************************************************************************ This function clears internal list of recycled objects and seed object. However, pool still can be used (after initialization with another seed). pool pool state ALGLIB environment state NOTE: this function is NOT thread-safe. It does not acquire pool lock, so you should NOT call it when lock can be used by another thread. ************************************************************************/ public static void ae_shared_pool_reset(shared_pool pool) { pool.seed_object = null; pool.recycled_objects = null; pool.enumeration_counter = null; } } } public partial class alglib { public partial class smp { public static int cores_count = 1; public static volatile int cores_to_use = 1; public static bool isparallelcontext() { return false; } } public class smpselftests { public static bool runtests() { return true; } } public static void setnworkers(int nworkers) { alglib.smp.cores_to_use = nworkers; } public static int getnworkers() { return alglib.smp.cores_to_use; } }