#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using HeuristicLab.Core; using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable; using HeuristicLab.PDPSimulation.SimulationCore; using HeuristicLab.Parameters; using HeuristicLab.Data; using System.Threading; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.PDPSimulation.DomainModel; using HeuristicLab.PDPSimulation.DistanceMeasures; using HeuristicLab.Optimization; namespace HeuristicLab.PDPSimulation { [Item("PickupDeliveryOptimization", "A pickup and delivery optimization.")] [StorableClass] public abstract class PickupDeliveryOptimization: ParameterizedNamedItem { #region constructors public PickupDeliveryOptimization() : base() { objectChanges = new Dictionary>(); actions = new Dictionary(); } [StorableConstructor] protected PickupDeliveryOptimization(bool deserializing) : base(deserializing) { } protected PickupDeliveryOptimization(PickupDeliveryOptimization original, Cloner cloner) : base(original, cloner) { lock (original.objectChanges) { lock (original.actionLocker) { simulation = cloner.Clone(original.simulation); if (simulation != null) { simulation.SimulationStateChanged += new PickupDeliverySimulation.SimulationStateChangedHandler(simulation_SimulationStateChanged); } objectChanges = new Dictionary>(); foreach (BaseObject obj in original.objectChanges.Keys) { BaseObject objClone = cloner.Clone(obj); objectChanges.Add(objClone, new List()); foreach (PDChange change in original.objectChanges[obj]) objectChanges[objClone].Add(cloner.Clone(change)); } actions = new Dictionary(); foreach (Guid objId in original.actions.Keys) { actions.Add(objId, cloner.Clone(original.actions[objId])); } } } this.scenario = cloner.Clone(original.scenario); this.waitingStrategy = cloner.Clone(original.waitingStrategy); } #endregion [StorableHook(HookType.AfterDeserialization)] private void AfterDeserialization() { if (this.simulation != null) { this.simulation.SimulationStateChanged += new PickupDeliverySimulation.SimulationStateChangedHandler(simulation_SimulationStateChanged); } } [Storable] protected PickupDeliveryScenario scenario; [Storable] protected WaitingStrategy waitingStrategy; [Storable] private PickupDeliverySimulation simulation; protected double GetSimulationTime() { return simulation.SimulationTime; } protected double GetTimeStep() { return simulation.TimeStep; } protected List GetOrders() { return simulation.Orders; } protected Order GetOrder(Guid orderId) { return simulation.GetOrder(orderId); } protected Vehicle GetVehicle(Guid vehicleId) { return simulation.GetVehicle(vehicleId); } protected List GetVehicles() { return simulation.Vehicles; } protected ResultCollection GetResults() { return simulation.Results; } [Storable] private Dictionary> objectChanges; private void RemoveObsoleteChanges(PDChange change) { List toBeRemoved = new List(); foreach (PDChange existingChange in objectChanges[change.BaseObject]) { if (existingChange.ChangeType == change.ChangeType) { toBeRemoved.Add(existingChange); } } foreach (PDChange removed in toBeRemoved) { objectChanges[change.BaseObject].Remove(removed); } } protected void AddChange(PDChange change) { lock (objectChanges) { if (!objectChanges.ContainsKey(change.BaseObject)) objectChanges.Add(change.BaseObject, new List()); RemoveObsoleteChanges(change); objectChanges[change.BaseObject].Add(change); } } protected List GetChanges(bool clear) { lock (objectChanges) { List result = new List(); foreach (List objChanges in objectChanges.Values) result.AddRange(objChanges); if(clear) objectChanges.Clear(); return result; } } protected struct ChangeInformation { public List CreatedVehicles { get; set; } public List CreatedOrders { get; set; } public List ChangedVehicles { get; set; } public List ChangedOrders { get; set; } public bool InvalidActions { get; set; } public bool SimulationFinished { get; set; } } protected ChangeInformation GetChangeInformation(List changes) { ChangeInformation changeInformation = new ChangeInformation(); changeInformation.CreatedVehicles = new List(); changeInformation.CreatedOrders = new List(); changeInformation.ChangedVehicles = new List(); changeInformation.ChangedOrders = new List(); changeInformation.InvalidActions = false; changeInformation.SimulationFinished = false; foreach (PDChange change in changes) { if (change.ChangeType == SimulationStateChange.VehicleCreated) { Vehicle vehicle = change.BaseObject as Vehicle; changeInformation.CreatedVehicles.Add(vehicle); } else if (change.ChangeType == SimulationStateChange.VehicleMoved || change.ChangeType == SimulationStateChange.VehicleState) { Vehicle vehicle = change.BaseObject as Vehicle; changeInformation.ChangedVehicles.Add(vehicle); if (change.ChangeType == SimulationStateChange.VehicleState && vehicle.VehicleState == VehicleState.InvalidAction) changeInformation.InvalidActions = true; } else if (change.ChangeType == SimulationStateChange.OrderCreated) { Order order = change.BaseObject as Order; changeInformation.CreatedOrders.Add(order); } else if (change.ChangeType == SimulationStateChange.OrderState) { Order order = change.BaseObject as Order; changeInformation.ChangedOrders.Add(order); } else if (change.ChangeType == SimulationStateChange.NoMoreOrders) { changeInformation.SimulationFinished = true; } else if (change.ChangeType == SimulationStateChange.OrderFailed) { changeInformation.InvalidActions = true; } } changeInformation.InvalidActions = changeInformation.InvalidActions || GetVehicles().Where(v => v.VehicleState == VehicleState.InvalidAction).Count() > 0; return changeInformation; } protected object actionLocker = new object(); [Storable] private Dictionary actions; public PDAction GetAction(BaseObject obj) { lock (actionLocker) { if (actions.ContainsKey(obj.Id)) return actions[obj.Id]; else return null; } } protected void SetAction(PDAction action) { lock (actionLocker) { if (actions.ContainsKey(action.BaseObjectId)) { lock (actions[action.BaseObjectId]) { if (!actions[action.BaseObjectId].Interruptable()) actions[action.BaseObjectId].AppendAction(action, false); else actions[action.BaseObjectId] = action; } } else { actions[action.BaseObjectId] = action; } } } protected void AppendAction(PDAction action) { lock (actionLocker) { if (actions.ContainsKey(action.BaseObjectId)) { actions[action.BaseObjectId].AppendAction(action, true); } else { actions[action.BaseObjectId] = action; } } } public void RemoveCompletedActions() { lock (actionLocker) { List toBeRemoved = new List(); foreach (Guid objId in actions.Keys) { if (actions[objId].IsCompleted) toBeRemoved.Add(objId); } foreach (Guid objId in toBeRemoved) actions.Remove(objId); } } public List GetActions() { lock (actionLocker) { RemoveCompletedActions(); return actions.Values.ToList(); } } public virtual void SetScenario(PickupDeliveryScenario scenario) { if (scenario != null) { this.scenario = scenario; } } public virtual void SetWaitingStrategy(WaitingStrategy waitingStrategy) { this.waitingStrategy = waitingStrategy; } public virtual void Prepare() { //clear state objectChanges.Clear(); actions.Clear(); } public virtual void SetSimulation(PickupDeliverySimulation simulation) { if (this.simulation != simulation) { if (this.simulation != null) { this.simulation.SimulationStateChanged -= new PickupDeliverySimulation.SimulationStateChangedHandler(simulation_SimulationStateChanged); } this.simulation = simulation; this.simulation.SimulationStateChanged += new PickupDeliverySimulation.SimulationStateChangedHandler(simulation_SimulationStateChanged); } } private EventWaitHandle wh; private void InitWaitHandle(bool synchronized) { if(wh != null) wh.Dispose(); wh = null; if(synchronized) wh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset); } protected void SignalWaitHandle() { if(wh != null) wh.Set(); } public void WaitForOptimization() { if (wh != null) { bool signal = false; while (!signal && Running()) signal = wh.WaitOne(100); } } protected void WaitForSimulation() { simulation.WaitForSimulation(); } protected abstract void Optimize(CancellationToken token); Thread optThread; CancellationTokenSource cts; protected bool running; public void Start(bool synchronized) { running = true; InitWaitHandle(synchronized); using (EventWaitHandle wh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset)) { cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); optThread = new Thread(delegate() { wh.Set(); Optimize(cts.Token); }); optThread.IsBackground = true; optThread.Start(); wh.WaitOne(); } } public abstract bool OptimizationRequired(); public virtual void RelocateVehicles() { } public void Stop() { if(cts != null) cts.Cancel(); } public bool Running() { return optThread != null && optThread.IsAlive && running; } public void Exit() { optThread = null; } void simulation_SimulationStateChanged(BaseObject obj, SimulationStateChange changeType) { PDChange change = new PDChange() { BaseObject = obj.Clone() as BaseObject, ChangeType = changeType }; AddChange(change); } } }